What Would Zoe Do? Is an American Revolution Next? What is a Dollar?

March 3rd, 2011

My name is Zoe, and I’m what you might call a rebel — against the state, that is! I hope that you have checked out the to my upcoming movie Silver Circle, in which I am in the starring role! I am here to offer my advice and to answer your questions related to freedom fighting on a weekly basis. Please submit your questions to !

I know you and your Rebels are peacefully working underground to restore sound money and freedom . . . but do you ever see what’s been happening in Egypt and Libya happening in the US?  If so, how will the Rebels be involved?

Patty Protestor

If push comes to shove, I think that the Rebels and I would definitely come out of the woodwork!  But do I predict a similar type revolution happening in America?  Possibly. Honestly, what I think would have to happen is that living conditions would have to dramatically decrease in order to push people into revolution.  Even the strongest of liberty lovers don’t feel the urge to get out there and revolt because things just aren’t bad enough to call for such actions.

But sure, if the value of the dollar crashes like some economists predict, then yes, there will most likely be a revolution of some sort.  However, I think that politically, more freedom is being reached, even if very slowly, and it is keeping the masses at bay — along with tons of people working like the rebels on alternative currencies and bartering practices.  For now, everything should be alright, but you never know what the future will bring!


Yesterday Ron Paul asked Ben Bernanke what his “definition of the dollar was.”  How would you define the dollar Zoe?

Monetary Mayhem

I would define the American dollar as worthless!  What do I need a piece of paper for with no value whatsoever?  I don’t!  So I consider the dollar as worth nothing.

Whether or not you believe in the gold standard or not, at least when the dollar was backed up by something with value, it had worth.  Now, it is hardly worth the 3 cents it was during that time and since the Federal Reserve’s creation.  Therefore, I don’t trust it and I don’t rely on it for stability.

Also, you can see our blog post today about Ben Bernake’s quote about his definition of the dollar.  He believes that the dollar can be used for common commodities but gold, as one example, cannot!  This makes no sense and bartering systems are now popping up all around the country (and the world) to compete with the dollar’s inevitable failure.

So the dollar . . . it’s so yesterday!


Thank you for your questions this week! Remember to with some more for next time!

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