Jekyll Island Uncovered
March 4th, 2010The Silver Circle crew decided in order to understand the beast of the central banking system we must become one with its origins. Lucky for us the fantastic organization, The Mises Institute, provided an organized means to do so (The Birth and Death of the Fed). Head producer, Pasha Roberts, and I shipped off to the isolated location in South Eastern Georgia and prepared ourselves for a weekend full of education and demonization of the Federal Reserve.
One would think that the overall ambiance of such a historic place would yield a few spine tingles and make me shake in my boots, however this place was the equivalent to a colonial country club. With all the bad things you have to say about those bankers, daaaang did they have some great taste.

(Just one of the many beautiful views)
Let’s get one thing straight. The Fed was not created in Jekyll Island. This was a great piece of info brought up at the beginning of the program. As one of the 12 speakers, Chris Westley, told us it was the place of conception. Kind of like the honeymoon to celebrate the bankers holy matrimony. While not going into the intimate details, (if you need help with where babies come from you should perhaps start with an easier topic like reproduction, instead of Austrian economics), when Congress signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 the “demon child of the progressive era” was born.
The bankster’s trip was all executed under the guise of a “dunk hunt”. I will tell you what people, I did not see one duck the WHOLE entire trip. Perhaps they were amazing hunters and made the species in the area extinct in 1910, or, wait a second, maybe they were lying? No, I can’t imagine elite leaders in the world would ever do such a thing.
The first day Pasha and I decided to take a trolley ride around Jekyll to check out the properties and landmarks that were once owned my predominant figures in the late 19th and early 20th century. We found out at the first stop that Georgia’s state government now owns the whole island, and every piece of property is leased. Perhaps that is an act of karma for the despicable things Jekyll property owners allowed to happen there over the years, for instance like creating a magical money machine with no “off” button that would soon destroy our nation. The nerve.
William Rockefeller owned a piece of property there and Jekyll legend has it that his wife Almeria died in the house and now haunts preservation workers while they clean by poking and pinching them. Perhaps she’s ticked still that the property was taken up into the government’s hands or maybe she was just a rotten old lady (no pun intended). Along with the Rockefellers other big names from that era had a few properties themselves: Frederick Bourne -Singer Manufacturing owner, Joseph Stickney -railroad tycoon to name a couple.
The end of the tour brought us to the room, yes THE ROOM! Tom Woods took the words out of my mouth when he said, “I thought it might be creepy.” In fact this room that we will forever loathe was painted in pastels and had froo-froo linens and details that would put Barbie’s house to shame.

(Dun, Dun, Duhhhhhh!)
However, there was one morbid detail to the room, and that was the photo hanging over the fireplace with the six (although sometimes it’s said there were 7) of America’s most elite.

(Not sure why we're smiling...)
I would like to think that symbolism lies within the decorations of the Fed’s meeting room. Perhaps we allow these banksters too much credit in their power. Instead of being intimidated by the manipulative leaders of today and yesterday we should laugh at their lack of backbone.
The latter part of this day was spent with some of the big names in the Austrian economic community. Pasha and I had an amazing opportunity to talk with Ron Paul about and he was excited for us and appreciated the precious metal’s appearance in a feature length film.
I love Silver Circle -says Ron Paul (well that’s what he was thinking)
So I decided this trip to Jekyll Island made the bankster’s seem soft and the movement seem stronger than ever. If the bankster’s were REAL tough guys they would have chosen a place like a secret cave in Siberia or a neighborhood in East Compton to plan the central banking system for America. Jekyll Island goes to show that the American people allowed a few golf pros and “duck hunting” gurus to be the almighty gods of financial knowledge and power. Let’s use this as fuel to keep trucking on.
To peace and rebellion…Salud,
p.s. It should be noted that all of the attendees at this Mises event were great and we had a blast with all of you!
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