Silver Circle in the Belly of the Beast: D.C.

March 30th, 2010
Animation is a complicated and enticing form of art that is exponentially growing in popularity. Look at Avatar’s success and all of Pixar’s lucrative moments. While the crew from Silver Circle Movie is working hard to provide you with an amazing animated film, I want to keep you up-to date with the production trail and how it’s all going down.

This past week (March 23rd -25th) Pasha, Ben, Rae, and I traveled to D.C. to capture reference footage in order to replicate the scenery in the film. Our trip consisted of many laughs, some wild life, as well as everyone’s favorite: D.C. Security.

Our trip provided us with the opportunity to capture footage that we can reference to for the film. You just wait, when you see the film you may see a few familiar places…however, it will be 10 years from now and who knows what this place will look like.

We spent most of the day Wednesday filming the car chase route…wait, whoops! Did I just say car chase? Ahh man, well I guess the cat is out of the bag on that one. No more plot details though, so don’t even ask. After spending a lot of the afternoon in and around Dupont Circle we headed down to the National Mall. I made sure to stop by and give the one-finger salute to our friends in Congress then we made our way down to the infamous Federal Reserve.

The challenge of the day was to find a warehouse district. With the help of our friend Kevin Brett we arrived in Northeast, which is basically the hood outside of D.C. We found some great finds within this part of town. Everything from a door in the middle of a wall 20 feet in the air to the most perfect dumpster anyone has ever seen. Holding tight onto the camera equipment we made our way around the blocks of meat markets and stores that sold the most ganster bling I’ve ever seen.
Another great part about our trip was the chance to visit the Reason offices to attend their “” happy hour celebration. We caught up with a bunch of our friends from CATO, Students for Liberty, among other D.C. amigos. We also had a chance to talk to the David Nott, Nick Gillespie, and Megan McArdle. I’m sure the rest of the crew would agree that Reason throws one hell of a shin-dig…open bar and all. We’ll be back for another one!
Thursday we finished up some location scouting by driving through the chase scenes to get shots of the actual roads and landmarks that Zoe will be passing by. Then we ended right back at the Reason offices to sit down with Katherine Mangu-Ward who was an exclusive script critic. She gave some great insight and expressed her own personal excitement for the film.
Although D.C. didn’t let us leave smoothly (flight delays) our trip ended with a sense of accomplishment. We just took on D.C. in 48 hours and captured its essence for the film to come.
To see more on our trip keep an eye out for the “Behind the Scenes” footage and of some fun we had along the way.
To Peace and Rebellion…Salud,

About the Author: admin