Silver Circle Presentation at Liberty Forum

March 19th, 2010

With a room of close to 30 participants, Pasha began the presentation by talking about how film and fiction can provide a needed base of entertainment and stimulation that is lacking currently in the movement. Silver Circle plans to replicate efforts similar to V for Vendetta…however by staying more true to the graphic novel and not letting Hollywood hijack the theme.

During the presentation Silver Circle gave away one troy ounce of silver and the lucky winner was Sharyn Longley! So congrats Sharyn and we hope you keep following along…same goes for all that attended. Thanks for the interest you’ve taken in Silver Circle Movie.

Some liberty-lovers, like Kate Richards here, are getting cozy with our life-size cut out of Zoe. The clip was well received and people seem to be interested in how this film will impact the movement. There was even a suggestion of starting a video game line similar to the Sims.

The night is almost here and Kenneth Royce…aka Boston T. Party will be speaking shortly, Pasha is already in the room getting a good seat. I think I will try to sneak away from the booth to catch a peek myself. The exhibit area will be open tomorrow so we will see you there, and through the weekend with our live twitter updates all weekend.

Ahhhh New Hampshire, where liberty flows like wine.

To peace and rebellion….Salud!


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