If a Woman is Strong Does She Have to be a Bitch?: Interview with Jackie Musto

April 9th, 2010
Today we had a special visitor in the studio. Never before have I had a chance to sit down and speak with an artist whose creations all have a back-story and their own separate life. Even the passer-bys in comics she has created have a direction as to where they are going and why they are walking the way they do. Down to their shoes these characters, or inanimate objects, have a story to tell.

Jackie Musto is comic artist and writer as well as the designer of the Silver Circle heroine, Zoe.

We sat down for some ice coffees here in Harvard Square and chatted a little about what she likes about working with Silver Circle and her inspirations.

M: Hey Jackie, thanks for coming by today…first off what’s your story? How long have you been designing and illustrating?

J: As a kid I remember seeing drawings and I said to myself, “I can do that so much better.” I would take the old style computer paper that had the perforated edges and draw continuous pictures. In high school and middle school I was also always involved with the art clubs. Professionally though I have been a comic artist for about 5 years.

M: As our official comic artist for the graphic novel and our designer of Zoe, how have you liked working with a movie like this?

J: I love the concept. Most people and filmmakers wouldn’t be willing to do something so daring. It’s also very educational and entertaining for others. Art that can be used in these branching times works and teaches people something. Plus I love the characters Jay and Zoe.

M: Most of our audience is very familiar with V for Vendetta, so I have to know: Did you read the V comic or the V movie first?

J: Haha…actually I saw the movie first.

M: I was browsing through your work and characters online and about half of them seem to be badass, dominating women…any specific reasoning or inspiration behind that?

J: There’s one thing that makes my women different from other male artists. They look at you. They know how to take care of themselves. After seeing a lot of the comic community create women who follow the super hero around I decided to create strong female characters that aren’t necessarily bitchy. If a woman is strong does she have to be a bitch?

M: Where do you find story inspiration? Your story of Kay and P, the imaginary friend…did you have an imaginary friend?

J: No, I actually had an imaginary cat. Really the inspiration for Kay and P was from a Kate Nash song about an imaginary friend. Other inspiration of mind comes from me finding specific details and making the whole universe have a story. I even go into detail about gun toting characters. With all of those weapons, how can they not have pockets? I pay attention to detail, maybe too much.

M: When was your last ComiCon? How do you think this ComiCon will receive our comic and film’s message?

J: Wow, I don’t know probably a couple years ago. People will like the escapism of Silver Circle and really the economy is affecting everyone so it’s relevant.

M: What work of yours should we keep an eye out for you in the future?

J: Kay and P, the whole Silver Circle collection, and a 1920’s feel comic called Dardenella Blues.

M: Well Jackie we are hoping to reach younger audiences and I think we already have. Pushing the idea of art to communicate ideas is a powerful message. Any advice to the young adults out there?

J: Quit your job if you hate it! Do comics if that’s your interest, you’ll notice that one of the biggest motivations to follow your dreams is when that rent is due in a month. Just go for it.

Be sure to catch Jackie at this show this weekend or look up her work. She is an awesome artist and has a great outlook on life. Also, let me know if you want to know more about her…I’m sure she would love to come by and blog for us about the comic and art experience. Thanks for checking this interview out. Now off to … we’ll have plenty to talk about when we get back.
See you there!
To peace and rebellion…salud,
p.s. the secret code for the comic discount is………. F THE FED! (your welcome ;) )

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