Silver Saves You From B.O. and Inflation!

April 6th, 2010
While reading this article from Richard Daughty, I came across some strange humor as well as some strange facts. Due to the uprise in hygienic uses of silver as well as the beloved RFID chip production, it looks as if its demand will be shooting through the roof soon enough.

It is projected that 350 million ounces will be in demand by 2020. You know what this means right? Basic economics: when demand increases, so does the price. Richard does not beat around the bush when he says to buy the precious metals and buy them now, or when inflation hits you will pay. He also blames the Federal Reserve and their out of control spending.

“So die now, or die later after a lot more suffering, as that is your choice, thanks to the irresponsibility and sheer idiocy of the Federal Reserve, and that thanks to being allowed to be that way by a corrupt, ignorant, and fiscally stupid Congress, made possible by the corrupt, traitorous Supreme Court in 1934 when they ruled that the dollar did not have to be made only of silver and gold like the Constitution of the United States says it must, and the dollar could be a mere fiat currency, a decision upheld by every Supreme Court ever since!”

Too bad we weren’t living in the Silver Circle world…

About the Author: admin