The Future of Marijuana Legalization

April 20th, 2010

In order to portray the future accurately in the film Silver Circle, things like the progress of marijuana policy makes a difference. According to the Marijuana Policy Project 2009 was:
“…a breakthrough year on the federal level.”
With about 14 states that have legalized marijuana (with taxes, fees, and limit laws) about 14 more are pending, I wonder if it will take another 10 years to become a norm in all 50 states.

Within Silver Circle, the government has increased in size and power dramatically, however the government today holds more power to legislate than any other point in history. (If we go by power being = to financial control). Would relaxed marijuana laws realistically coincide with a stronger legislative hand? It almost seems contradictory that marijuana laws are weakening as the government that created them is becoming more powerful in writing new laws. The reason I say “more powerful” is because they no longer are obligated to follow the law of the land and can write laws that go against our fundamental rights.
Picture yourself in this world 10 years from now. Do you see it being possible to sell joints out of a carton like cigarettes? Do you see dispensaries becoming a norm at your local corner store?
Keep an eye out for updates about the movie, the script may require us to ask people to design the labels or billboards for the brands of packaged marijuana. Don’t act like you haven’t already brainstormed some brand names and package styles…
Stay safe today everyone, no matter what type of recreational activity you choose to take part in.
To Peace and Rebellion…Salud,

About the Author: admin