Monthly Archives: June 2010

DC Happy Hour Recap

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// The Silver Circle crew just returned from a whirlwind, less-than-twenty-four-hour trip to Washington DC, where we threw a Happy Hour event at the Old Dominion Brewhouse. So many energetic, liberty-inspired folk came out to meet us and learn a … Continue reading

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Government Euphemisms – Stefan Molyneux

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// Patriot Act, Internal Revenue Service, Operation Iraqi Freedom… Do all of these things actually mean what they say? Does entering without consent into a person’s home constitute as a “patriotic” action? Should we really have to tip a service … Continue reading

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Rebel of the Week!

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// The Silver Circle “Rebel of the Week” is, obviously, un-General Stanley A. McChrystal, whose subversive comments in the June 22nd* Rolling Stone article, entitled “The Runaway General,” would get him benched by Obama two days later. The article, written … Continue reading

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// The annual Porcupine Freedom Festival is upon us and I have never been more excited. This 4+ day event (depending when you decided to arrive) will be filled with crazy dance parties, cook-offs, shooting trips, and the Silver Circle … Continue reading

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Gold Circle?

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// How many times have you heard people offhandedly say, “silver is the new gold,” lately? For me, it’s been a lot, but it always went in one ear and out the other because I never really knew what they … Continue reading

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Bob Etheridge Goes Blonde

Posted on June 18, 2010 by admin

// Yesterday, Silver Circle deflected the age-old, philosophic question, “Who am I?” and threw it backatchya. In the tradition of our Rebel of the Week, Bob Etheridge, Silver Circle demanded to know “Who are you?,” and the unsuspecting flanneurs, street-performers, … Continue reading

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Silver Circle Rebel of the Week!

Posted on June 17, 2010 by admin

// (take two.) No, not Congressman Bob Etheridge. This week’s rebel is whoever got him liquored up that day-now that’s dedication. Here at Silver Circle, we’re dying to know what this guy’s so jumpy about, and, more importantly, where … Continue reading

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The “Nuisance” Coin

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// Remember when you would receive change back at the grocery store and notice that a certain piece of canadian currency would sneak its way into your coin purse? Well, nowadays in Canada you will find that people are saving … Continue reading

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Silver Circle Silver…On Its Way!

Posted on June 14, 2010 by admin

// As you read and gaze into the majestic photos of our custom minted coins, they are en route! Check out the design of our exclusive coin that resembles the alternative currency in Silver Circle. This .999 troy ounce of … Continue reading

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Silver Circle Rebel of the Week!

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// This guy has a back yard metal forge operation where he casts his own gun parts. Check out the process of aluminum casting and think, perhaps, one day we will have to do this underground for our own precious … Continue reading

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