June 22nd, 2010

The annual Porcupine Freedom Festival is upon us and I have never been more excited. This 4+ day event (depending when you decided to arrive) will be filled with crazy dance parties, cook-offs, shooting trips, and the Silver Circle animation event.

will be happening in the TV Room at Roger’s Campground from 12-2pm on Saturday. I know what you are thinking…that’s right at lunch time and I don’t want to miss the “First Movers” panel with the donation based picnic.
WELL, if you aren’t considering the move or you already have the skinny on the Free State Project, enjoy some FREE pizza and get a cool opportunity to be in our upcoming film, Silver Circle. We will be taking reference photos in order to animate extras for our “Rebels” in the film.
If you aren’t aware of this film project, this is a great way to learn about it and how you can get involved. If you have any questions leave a comment here or e-mail our
Join us while we animate Porcfest for the first time ever!

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