3 Ways to Fund War

July 15th, 2010

Throughout Thomas DiLorenzo’s article, Inflating War, we find that there are 3 different ways you can fund overseas imperialism:

1. Taxing: Which is never a popular choice for the general public, very hard to sell. On top of that, if people were taxed directly for the purpose of putting weapons in others’ hands…they may not be as keen on the idea. I wonder what kind of government euphemism would arise for that? Perhaps the death tax, wait that’s already taken…

2. Accruing Debt: Once again I do not believe the general public would outwardly agree with Congress asking China for $4 billion so we can invade Iraq. Just isn’t the most fashionable thing for a politician to promote.

The last choice which seems to pull the wool over our eyes and work everytime is:

3. Using a Private Counterfeit System Approved by Congress: What I mean is just have the Federal Reserve step in and print all the cash in order to fund our standing armies. The Federal Reserve reserves the right to legally print money out of thin air in order to fund war (among other things in government). As DiLorenzo puts it:

“…it makes war seem costless to the average citizen.”

As most of you know increasing the amount of dollars in circulation (francs, yens, etc.) causes inflation. A significant effect of inflation is the increase in prices across the board. As this has happened before, government decides to come to the rescue (rescuing the same problem they started) and set prices artificially in hopes to curb a decline in private enterprise. Doesn’t seem to work.

So Congress and help from the Federal Reserve are allowed to fool you into thinking we can afford the wars we enter. Little do you know you are paying for it. Not directly through taxation, but through the rise in prices caused by inflation.

“The perpetuation of debt, has drenched the earth with blood…”

Thomas Jefferson was referring to European wars at the time; however, things haven’t changed much.

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About the Author: admin