Edward Norton Isn't Incredible Enough

July 19th, 2010
It’s Movie Monday here in the studio and it turns out one of animation’s favorite characters “The Incredible Hulk” is looking for a face-lift. Well, according to Marvel Studio’s President of Production, more like an attitude adjustment.
Kevin Feige stated that Edward Norton did not fit the need of an actor that:
“…embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members.”

Norton’s feelings seem to be hurt when you read his recent . Anyone have any guesses who will take The Hulk’s place for the upcoming Avengers movie? Clearly body type is not an issue on matching up the actor…sorry Ed, you are just getting hit left and right with criticism. I’ll stop there.
Leave your ideas on who you think the next Hulk will be and remember our animation studio will be holding casting calls in the coming weeks. Please join our mailing list to stay informed on the dates, and if you are interested in donating to our casting project check out our Kickstarter page!

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!