**End the Fed Sign Winners**

July 22nd, 2010

Ladies and gents the time has come to announce who gathered the most votes for our “End the Fed Sign Contest”. We received 33 submissions and almost 200 votes were casted. The top 5 signs will be animated in our upcoming film Silver Circle.

After the winners are announced please do not hesitate to continue sending in your signs to , who wants to showcase all the creative ideas from past End the Fed protests. This also serves as a place to find ideas of what you will be bringing to your next protest.
So without further adieu:
1st place- Eric Belfi
2nd place – Nathan Cox

3rd place – Darryl Perry

4th place – Tyler Frazier

5th place – Jeff Davis
Congratulations everyone, and thank you to everyone that participated. Be sure to join to be first to hear about upcoming contests! Join our mailing list!

About the Author: admin