In Light of this Week’s Rebel of the Week…

August 5th, 2010
…I’d like to also highlight a recent interview with Heavy Weight Champion Glen Jacobs AKA “Kane” on Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch.

On of the best parts from this interview is the acknowledgement of influence celebrities have on the population’s beliefs. Kane states,Someone like me, who is in an influential position…especially among, perhaps, young people I think I have the responsibility to do so.
WWE Wrestler Kane with the Madigan Family (notice the Free Talk Live shirt?)

Do you know celebrities that are hiding their freedom message behind their Hollywood and record label contracts? We need to keep encouraging celebrities and other influentials to be confident in exposing their thoughts on liberty.
You can learn more about Kane’s activism and Free State Project involvement at his blog -The Adventures of Citizen X-

About the Author: admin