Welcome to the Stage…Miku Hatsune

August 10th, 2010
Unlike most artists in the industry today she doesn’t have a drug problem OR 3 divorces under her belt at the ripe age of…wait she is actually ageless as well.

Miku Hatsune got her career started with… a voice synthesizing software called “Vocaloid” on a game from Sega, Project Diva. This software, similar to sampling in the industry today, has compiled voices and can now manipulate them into words. Sampling takes words/phrases and cuts them together, but this task was too limited and time consuming. Now Vocaloid gives you a library of sounds and notes; type in the lyrics you want and the chosen voices inside the software will sing it.

So if you haven’t caught on to all of the hints, Miku Hatsune does not even have a real person singing for her. She is a product of this voice synthesizing software. You would not believe the following she has already, being inexistent and all.
This video, over 2.4 million views!
This begs the question: Are Vocaloids like Miku on their way to taking over the music industry?
Miku is an interesting case because there are little copyright laws, thus followers and Vocaloid enthusiasts can write songs and make videos with her without penalty on Playstation Portable (PSP). Many have been uploaded onto YouTube and she is a phenomenon in Japan, Spain, and countries in Central/South America.
The animation is simple for Miku Hatsune. Silver Circle, on the other hand conducts a lengthy process of capturing performance shots live here in the studio. From there our animation teams creates the characters based on the natural movements captured here in our green screen studio.
Because of our unique animation style we provide a high quality, sometimes “uncanny” product. Our characters have realistic face movements and show emotion.
Shooting starts in a few weeks here in the studio so keep an eye for live video and updates from the Silver Circle Crew.

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!