Silver Seems to be Doing Well…

January 19th, 2011

As you all know the market is treating the savvy precious metals investors with care recently.  With the price of silver steadily increasing one could suggest it’s forever on the up and up. A few birdies have mentioned that is very possible, but as the market forces manifest a fluctuation will reveal downturns in the price of silver.  Might not make sense since the US Dollar is constantly inflating due to the enormous amounts of printing that has occurred over the past 4 years. Investors do not get discouraged with a down turn in silver prices, just look at it as an opportunity to buy more!

Just a little pep talk to my silver soldiers out there. True Rebels you are! In reality, none of us can predict the market’s direction at all times. I don’t claim to be an expert, just sharing my own personal thoughts. You know something a Rebel from Silver Circle would do to help their fellow freedom-fighters! Let’s talk about it…

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