What Would Zoe Do? Internet Privacy and Dead End Jobs
January 13th, 2011
My name is Zoe, and I’m what you might call a rebel — against the state, that is! I hope that you have checked out the to my upcoming movie Silver Circle, in which I am in the starring role! I am here to offer my advice and to answer your questions related to freedom fighting on a weekly basis. Please submit your questions to !
I am trying to protect myself online as much as possible — privacy is a big issue for me — not only from other users, but from government agents. Do you have any helpful tips?
- Proxy
There are many things you can do to protect yourself on the internet in both ways!
1) Consider using an alias.
You’d be surprised how many times you use your real name, whether it be on your computer’s system information to installing programs to using the internet. Come up with an awesome pseudonym! Go undercover!
2) Use cookie management.
Cookies are bits of information that websites store on your computer, some even containing user IDs and passwords! I highly recommend finding a good cookie management software.
3) Don’t give into spam.
Don’t reply to their emails. Don’t click on their ads. No, you won’t be getting a free iPad. And whatever you do, don’t give them any of your personal information. You’d be surprised at how many people do this!
4) Work and public computers v. your home computer
Be careful what you do at work or at a public location, such as the library! You may be monitored at any time and your actions can easily be seen by others! Also, even when at home, make sure your computer is secure with a reliable anti-virus/malware program, the computer is shut off when you’re not using it and you are using your firewall.
5) Use encryption
Fear the government spying on your internet activities? You’ve got to get a good encryption software! I recommend this for everyone. Also protects you against hackers and identity theft! Check out Pretty Good Privacy.
6) Download with care
Downloading gets its own separate point because it is one of the number one reasons why people get in trouble with the government. Using encryption and Peer Guardian, you should be in good shape.
7) Know the threats
There has been a lot of noise coming from the government about tackling “cyber bullying,”the Cyber Security Act, and Wikileaks. The government is itching to get its foot in the door, just a little bit, to control a small aspect of the internet — but we know how that goes! Be aware of these threats and work to develop a resistance or a way to keep the internet free!
I am so sick of my job. I am on the verge of quitting, but if I did, I don’t know how I’d make ends meet. What can I do?
- Sick of 9-5
Dear Sick,
I feel you! I absolutely hate my job! I work at a real estate office with a horrible co-worker and boss that drives me insane! Of course, I try to make light of the situation as much as possible! Also, I have a little back up plan, you know, the whole silver coin making operation!
Maybe that’s exactly what you need! A plan B! I highly recommend finding something that you can do “on the side” that may eventually grow into a real opportunity that you can take with haste! And of course, investing in precious metals is always an option to watch your dollars grow!
As for dealing with the stress and pain of a 9-5 job, perhaps try to find someone to talk to at work that you can relate to! If you are stuck alone, use your lunch break to do something fun, take a walk, get a hobby, or even work on your “side gig.” Hopefully you can leave the pain of your job behind you!
Remember, you find a job or career that best suits you! If you’re not happy, it is not worth it, no matter what! If you need to find a balance between money and happiness, it may take some time, but you should be able to work something out! With a little patience, anything’s possible! Best of luck!
Thank you for your questions this week! Remember to with some more for next time!
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