The Largest Gathering of Pro-Liberty Students IN HISTORY Begins Today

February 18th, 2011

The demand was so great to attend the 2011 International Students For Liberty Conference this weekend that the staff of the organization had to turn people away.  No conference ever likes to do that but there just simply wasn’t enough space for all of the students from around the world who desperately wanted to join us.  More than 500 students and dozens of members of the press will be in attendance; listening to lectures by libertarian thinkers and other students in order to foster a better understanding of libertarian principles and how to be a successful advocate for freedom. Not only that there will also be a live taping of John Stossel’s mustache show later this weekend.  This is HUGE for the student movement.

Three years ago Students For Liberty’s first international conference had 100 attendees.  Last year the attendees were about 350 and now it is over 500.  How big will ISFLC be next year after Stossel kicks up their profile to the next level?

The student movement for liberty is growing and it is growing fast.  Libertarians can tend to be rather pessimistic about the state of the country and our world but hopefully this is some indication that these ideas are spreading and the next generation may indeed be The Libertarian Generation.  Coincidentally, this is also the theme of the co-founder and president of SFL, Alexander McCobin’s, opening speech.  We’re an optimistic bunch and we have good reason to be!

Awards will also be given to the Student of the Year (which I am a finalist for), the Student Group of the Year and the organizers of the Event of the Year.  Encouraging and enabling students to be effective and persuasive advocates of libertarian values in order to change our world is why Students For Liberty exists, and how thankful I am that they do.  Please learn more about their mission by visiting their website and learning how you can support .  Your assistance goes quite a long ways toward creating the next generation of freedom fighters.

Expect forthcoming reports from the conference and after it from yours truly.

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