Some Conspiratorial Thoughts That Are Floating Around…

May 5th, 2011

After reading a recent article on my mind can’t help but send me into la-la-land thinking of how to add this story up. Beginning Wednesday these claims began their journey around capitol hill:

The top Republican on the Intelligence Committee, Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., told reporters that he had seen photos of Bin Laden after the world’s most wanted man had been shot in the head. Chambliss wasn’t the only one

The plot thickens:

At the time the claims seemed a bit odd since a number of top senators were telling reporters at the same time they had not seen any photos. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., chair of the Intelligence panel, said she had not seen the photos. Same with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, the top Republican on the Armed Services panel.

Sounds fishy, huh? Well by the end of the day:

Come late afternoon Wednesday, it emerged that the supposed Bin Laden photo seen by [Chambliss and] Brown and others was not real.

These Senators could have very well been deceived by the wonderful world of Photoshop, considering the progress that software has made in terms of creating whatever you want out of preexisting images. I’m even wondering what would be realistic in terms of possibilities the Federal Reserve has in 2019 to set up our Rebels. It is beyond me why CIA intelligence would show off fake photos to begin with. I am sensing some political games being played here.

Just to be “that girl” I’m going to suggest one more possibility here, because we know the fabricated version of the news can’t be the whole story: What if there are no pictures?

I for one don’t want to see them, nor do I think it’s in the US military’s best interest to show them off. Wikileaks unlocked more sensitive information compared to this Usama photo, yet everyone is drooling over the latter. On the contrary, there’s that contemporary saying “pics or it didn’t happen”.

What’s the use trying to find out the truth? For decades the government and its boss, the Federal Reserve, have kept plenty of secrets and I don’t expect them to roll over on their back to tell the truth any time soon. Nothing wrong with being skeptical, there always seems to be several sides to every story. Man I sound like a downer, hurry somebody send an inspirational word!

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