Welcome Our Super Hero Summer Intern!

May 26th, 2011

With huge deadlines approaching and our film gaining traction in mainstream and niche fields we have expanded as a crew and this Summer we have brought in a new intern to blog, tweet, and market the movie like a champ! His name is John, he’s a sophomore at Fordham University in New York studying Political Science and a participating member in his local Young Americans for Liberty chapter, along with various other liberty-oriented activities.

Our new Super Hero Intern!

He has already started off on a great foot writing an article about a man who was arrested and spent two nights in jail for drinking Snapple! In his first week the article he wrote was shared 171 times and even linked onto the controversial So be ready for some writing that will stir the pot a bit and educate you on the latest news in the political sphere.

What you also may want to know is that with our increasing number of followers from the comic community, we have been in need of more comic-y content. John has once again wowed us this week with his knowledge of the comic’s world and even knows the local comic shops near by (which we may be visiting soon to get the skinny).

We are very eager to have him as a part of this stellar crew this Summer so welcome him to the page and subscribe to keep up with his informative writing and fun subjects!

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