Now You Too Can Bail Banks Out!
June 2nd, 2011

Sorry, that truckload of money is for failing banks only
Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson bailed out the banking sector in 2008 to the tune of $700 billion, in the hopes of saving the banks from going under due to their devious lending practices.
Now, you can too! In “The Bailout Game”, you get to play the role of Bernanke and Paulson as they ride up and down Wall Street trying to decide what to do with the failing banks. You are given bailout cash and go around, Monopoly-style, to all the troubled banks from AIG to Lehman, and even General Motors. You are presented with their situation and you decide whether to give them the money they want, or let them fail. If you’re stumped, don’t worry, you could always “Ask A Greenspan”, and Alan Greenspan will give you advice on what to do. The game also comes with archival footage of the real Paulson and Bernanke making the same decisions.
You’re goal is to get to the end of the board before the “Recession” catches up with you, and you win. Your prize…economic disaster and a larger government presiding over you!!!
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