“Silver is the Achilles Heel to the Entire Economic System”

March 22nd, 2012

Sure we are excited and still flying high on the supreme product placement of our Rebel Silver in Congressman Ron Paul’s hand. All of that aside, this moment is being hailed as truly symbolic during this economic crisis. Ron Paul not only highlights that money is stated in the Constitution as gold and silver, he brings up the free-marketeer’s dream, and any free person’s dream for that matter, a economic system based on choice. Currency doesn’t have to be dubbed appropriate by the government in order for it to work. Parallel currencies should exist. It’s the right of the people to conduct voluntary exchanges as they wish.

David Morgan, the renowned “Silver Guru”, as created a video that highlights just that, with the focus on silver’s recent movement and why. Please share this with precious metal enthusiasts to keep their spirits high. Physical silver is outperforming its paper/digital counterpart. Check out the video:

David Morgan provides excellent information on the silver market in his newsletter. Find out which one suits you here: http://Silver-Investor.com

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