198 Methods of Nonviolent Action

August 22nd, 2012

Gandhi famously said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I like to express it as “your means must contain your ends.” If you oppose the State on purely utilitarian grounds by all mean throw your body into the grinding gears of the political means. But if you oppose the State on principle, because you oppose violence, your means must necessarily be non-violent, and as the State itself is violence, your means must necessarily be non-political. So when I discovered a list of 198 methods of nonviolent action published by the Albert Einstein Institute I simply had to share it here.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

#TinfoilTuesday – Ron Hera Explains Silver Price Suppression

August 21st, 2012

This is a bit of a Tinfoil followup up on a story from two weeks ago. On Tuesday, August 7th we reported that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission investigation of silver price suppression was probably being dropped based statements allegedly made by US regulators that they had  “failed to find enough evidence to support a legal case.” Immediately after that CFTC commissioner, Bart Chilton came out and vehemently denied the story. Jesse from 24hgold reported that Chilton called it an “Erroneous Report” even though those who reported on it at the Financial Times attributed the claim to emails they’d received from him. Seems fishy doesn’t it? Jesse wrote:

This could have been a ‘trial balloon’ to gauge the reaction and blowback if they did ditch the investigation, not wanting to expose the findings, or expose a coverup to later instances of perjury. This leak to the FT (Financial Times) *could* just be a ‘trial balloon’ by Mr. Gensler and his crew to see if they can get away with it. But that seems more like the plot of a novel.

So, perhaps in our zeal to catch the crooks in the act we prematurely reported a nasty piece of government malfeasance, or perhaps we’ve all been duped into participating in a financial psyop. It’s not like we’re above accusing bureaucrats of lying… or they’re above lying to us.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Want to Blog for Silver Circle? Apply today!

August 20th, 2012

If you wake up in the morning and check Reddit.com before you start your day…if before logging out of Facebook you share a link with a verbose preface…if you LOVE liberty-oriented topics, art, and fun, well, we’ve got a great opportunity for you!



Silver Circle is on the hunt for an additional blogger for the Silver Underground blog. This blog has received MUCH attention over the web and has even been seen on well-known blogs like Lewrockwell.com and DailyPaul.com. Ben Swann even gave the blog a shout out recently! Wouldn’t you like to help us reach even greater heights? Well send in a resume and some sample writing to so we can learn more about you. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by: megan

Money Monday: French Silver “Dime” Cards from La Monnaie Saine

August 20th, 2012

Did you know that the Don’t Tread on Meme Silver Dime Card idea was international? I didn’t until I heard heard the Frenchmen, Gilles Laurant and Edouard Hesse of La Monnaie Saine interviewed on Declare Your Independence with Ernie Hancock.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Bakery Boycotts Biden

August 18th, 2012

During the whole Chick-Fil-A “buycott” fiasco it took everything in me not to write a scathing verbal rolling of my eyes at the idiocy of both sides of the controversy. The idea of screening your fast food for ideological agreement, especially on this issue, just seemed utterly ridiculous to me. But I recently came across a quaint little eatery in Radford, Virginia that took a political stand that makes me want to order some cookies.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

A List of 100 Libertarian Movies

August 17th, 2012

Here is a list of 100 movies with libertarian themes that explore the importance of the individual human spirit, the crushing danger of unchecked government power, and necessity of freedom to human flourishing and happiness. The list is not in any order (other than the order that I brainstormed it) and this does not purport to be a list of the best 100 libertarian movies. It’s just a resource for people with an interest in liberty to use to learn about movies that they might enjoy or might want to share with their friends. There are a couple documentaries, and I may have fudged a little by adding a TV series or two that were just too irresistible not to include on this list.

Yes, Silver Circle is on this list. And yes, you should absolutely see it in a theater near you or on DVD! Thanks so much for reading…

-W. E. Messamore


1. Star Wars

2. V for Vendetta

3. Man in the Iron Mask

4. Death Wish

5. Ghostbusters

6. Legends of the Fall

7. Die Hard

8. Troy

9. Gran Torino

10. Wall Street

11. Braveheart

12. Atlas Shrugged Part I

13. Serenity

14. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

15. Thank You for Smoking

16. The Matrix

17. 300

18. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

19. Shenandoah

20. Nineteen Eighty-Four

21. Brave New World

22. Fahrenheit 451

23. Hunger Games

24. The Boondock Saints

25. The Patriot

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Posted by: Wes

Your Questions Answered: What’s up with the silver market and is it being manipulated?

August 17th, 2012

Our close and well-versed friend, Ron Hera, took the time to pick apart with facts and credible resources what is going on in the silver arena. For years pundits like Max Keiser have been accusing the market of being manipulated in a mass government conspiracy with the help of large subsidized companies, such as JP Morgan. Well today this confusing and pessimistic theory is being picked apart by a trustworthy, experienced mind…he promises to take the evidence from more than one side of the playing field and present it the best he can.

You won’t find information like this anywhere else: FAQ’s on Silver Manipulation

Posted by: megan

Thank You from Ademo

August 16th, 2012

This was originally posted to FreeKeene.com byKager:

Today is August 11th, 2012 – my 31st day of incarceration – and it’s 7:20AM. I’m awake because my cellmate was chosen to unload a delivery, but the truth is that I haven’t slept over two consecutive hours in a week. My mind is stuck on my pending wiretapping trial. I’ve been told of the mounting support and many articles (mainstream media and blogs) that have covered my case. It seems many of them share the same opinion as I do; public officials have no expectation of privacy.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

This Saturday Celebrate Your Lemonade Freedom!

August 16th, 2012

You may remember the story from last summer where the All-American lemonade stand began landing munchkins into altercations with local law enforcement. Numerous stories rolled out soon after, and it had seemed that we had finally failed ourselves. I mean, what kind of world are we living in when our own children can’t take to the curb with their entrepreneurial instincts to make a few dollars? I don’t know if it’s just me, but I have always LOVED seeing children selling lemonade. It’s such a comforting feeling and makes me smile (or make a U-turn) every time I see it.

Credit: Lampoon the System

So activists naturally took it upon themselves to show how absurd this micromanagement of childhood activities was and Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by: megan

Silver Circle Breaks 15,000 Facebook Likes!

August 15th, 2012

On Friday, August 10, our  dedicated to promoting the imminent release of our upcoming film, Silver Circle earned its 15,000th Facebook Like! Since the page was created in January, 2010 it’s been used to make announcements of important milestones reached in the production of the film, and of new Merchandise available in our --> -->online store --> -->, such as t-shirts, comic books, stickers and the silver Rebel Rounds. The page is also used to share posts from this blog, and to share various memes related to the events of the day.

If you like this blog, make sure to go Like us on Facebook: 

And don’t forget to visit our official website to learn more about the Silver Circle Movie: SilverCircleMovie.com

Posted by: Davi Barker