New 6 Hour Documentary About the Grassroots Freedom Movement

August 15th, 2012

I was psyched when Joe Fuller posted the trailer to their Tennessee based project Messengers for Liberty on our Facebook page. It’s about darn time someone took on the daunting task of creating some webisodes that aren’t just 3 minutes long with ominous music, about the faces and courage behind this succeeding movement. Sometimes you need to celebrate the cause for liberty, the people in the community, the creative ideas, and the future that lies ahead, instead of all the doomsday-ness. I’m eager to see how Messengers for Liberty delivers. The trailer has be excited, and way to go Tennessee crew for getting TMOT’s inspirational self on the programming!

The stories begin on September 17th! Subscribe to and let the count down begin!

Posted by: megan

Rebel of the Week: Ademo Freeman, Convicted on Three Counts of Journalism

August 15th, 2012

I seldom feel as though I’m reporting something as important as this, but it encapsulates so many different spheres we frequently cover here, from police brutality, to government malfeasance, to the evolution of journalism. I met Ademo when I was in New Hampshire for Liberty Forum and I think of him as a friend, even at a distance. I was utterly shocked by this conviction. If you don’t already know who Ademo Freeman is it won’t be readily apparent why his conviction is so important. So, we’re going to have to start at the beginning.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

#TinfoilTuesday – Establishment Prepares for Civil War in 2016

August 14th, 2012

(Screengrab from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

U.S. military officers are being told to plan to fight Americans…

This is getting scary. There’s nothing “tinfoil” about this post. This isn’t a theory. They’re not even trying to hide it from us anymore. Establishmentarians are openly telegraphing to the rest of us what they think about us– and they are saying that they fear and suspect Americans as national security threats to crush by force if we share “the goals of the ‘tea party’ movement” (you know, very radical ideas like term limits for politicians, requiring legislators to read bills before turning them into laws with actual consequences for people’s lives, not using taxpayer dollars to bailout failed companies, and balancing the budget– whoops, maybe they should prepare for acts of violent terrorism from Bill Clinton).

In the well-known and very mainstream Small Wars Journal, retired Army Col. Kevin Benson– of the Army’s University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas– and Jennifer Weber– a Civil War expert at the University of Kansas– recently published a paper entitled, “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A ‘Vision’ of the Future.” Anyone else think just that title alone is even creepier than Rupert Murdoch’s hands? Could they have tried any harder to make the title of their paper sound just like the scary, fascist, Orwellian, police state propaganda it is? They might as well have just named it: “We’re Planning On Killing Lots of You.”

What do you think all those millions of rounds of hollow point ammo the DHS ordered and all those millions of body bags that FEMA requested are for? Gun control advocates are always trying to limit the amount of ammo citizens can purchase and store, arguing there’s no need for that much ammo, that anyone stockpiling a ton of ammo must be up to no good. Well??? What about the DHS? Do they seriously anticipate the need for hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition in the near future? Can you tell me with a straight face that in the world today there any credible threats of full scale foreign invasion, rather than scattered acts of terrorism? What then could they possibly be getting ready for?

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Posted by: Wes

Money Monday – When is the Federal Reserve going to release its tax returns?

August 13th, 2012

President Barack Obama and the establishment media have been happily distracting you from the real issues by riding Mitt Romney pretty hard about not releasing his tax returns, and now with the Paul Ryan VP announcement over the weekend, the War on Tax Return Secrecy has opened up on another front, with questions about whether the Wisconsin congressman and poster child for fiscal conservatism (lolol) will release his own personal tax returns as well.

Will he? Won’t he? Oh dear me, I just don’t know if I can handle the suspense any longer! I’m literally sitting on the edge of my seat, gripping the sides so hard my knuckles are turning whiter than… well… Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. I just haaave to know how much money Ryan makes and how much he’s donated to charity. It has so much to do with my life and affects me so significantly!

Never mind that we don’t have to wait for Ryan to release his voting record to see that he’s really no different at all than Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, John McCain, and Franklin freaking Roosevelt. Never mind that all the information you need to realize that this campaign doesn’t really matter, that whoever wins won’t be any different than whomever loses, and that it’s all just a giant distraction is already all public knowledge. We should definitely be spending hours of our day discussing how important it is that we know exactly how many used pairs of socks Paul Ryan has donated to Goodwill for the tax write off. That’s important stuff.

So if it’s all a distraction, what’s it a distraction from?

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Posted by: Wes

A History of Gold: Infographic

August 10th, 2012

This infographic about gold is part of a multi-part infographic series that covers: 1) The History of Gold; 2) Gold Mining & Supply; 3) Gold Uses and Demand; and 4) Gold as an Investment. Gold is a precious metal with many unique properties that make it very suitable as a medium of exchange between economic actors:

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Posted by: Wes

Pop Friday: Joss Whedon Hired to Write Avengers Sequel

August 10th, 2012

The Associated Press reports:

LOS ANGELES – Joss Whedon has been hired on again as boss of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and their superhero pals for a sequel to “The Avengers.”

The news came Tuesday from Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Officer Robert Iger, who said during a company earnings call that the filmmaker is returning to write and direct the sequel adapted from the Marvel Comics tales.

Iger also said Whedon is helping to develop a Marvel-based TV series for ABC. Marvel is a Disney subsidiary.

No details were provided on a start of production or release date for the sequel to Whedon’s “The Avengers,” the year’s biggest hit with nearly $1.5 billion at the worldwide box office. But the film will have to get in line behind a busy schedule of solo sequels featuring “Avengers” co-stars.

Of the first Avengers movie, Davi Barker wrote here at Silver Underground:

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Posted by: Wes

Bernie Blooper 8/10/12

August 10th, 2012

Posted by: megan

Rebel of the Week: Armed Texas Citizen Stops Shooting Spree and Saves Policeman’s Life with Some VERY Sharp Shooting

August 8th, 2012

Guns save lives. Period. It happens all the time. They take lives too, but you’d think a fair and honest media would give both kinds of instances of gun news a proportionate level of attention. Of course we all know the media doesn’t. When a deranged murderer uses guns to kill someone, it becomes wall to wall coverage of every excruciating detail about the shooting, the victims, the murderer, the murderer’s personal life and history, the gun the murderer used. The media plays these images over and over until people are sick and horrified. This distorts our view of reality, because guns also save lives all the time, and when they do, the story doesn’t get anything like the kind of attention the shooting spree gets…

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Posted by: Wes

Breaking News: Investigation of Silver Price Suppression to be Dropped

August 7th, 2012

In September 2008 the Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced it was investigating “complaints of misconduct in the silver market” from many well established precious metals investors. Four years later US regulators say the investigation “looks increasingly likely to be dropped” because they “failed to find enough evidence to support a legal case.”

So, that’s it. Nothing to see here. No manipulation going on here. The price of the silver is the honest market price of silver. Go about your business.

And if you believe that you probably believe the real inflation rate is under 2% and the real unemployment rate is under 10%.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Metalhead #19 – Animation, Two Lanterns, Distribution, Comic, Megadeth

August 7th, 2012

Fast Month

It’s been an incredibly fast month over here, and we’re closing in on a finished copy of Silver Circle.  All of the animators are focused on the final crowd work of the opening and closing scenes.  Crowds are unique challenge in animation; companies like Pixar or Blue Sky have whole departments dedicated making crowds look real.  So in our inimitable scrappy way, we are working our small-studio clever ways to get a rioting crowd animated without the Pixar Army.  With those done, the animation is really complete.  From there the animators will be making some blooper reels and a music video for Jon Schaffer’s Sons of Liberty.

It’s all looking great and we’re moving forward with the huge cinema-quality rendering and compositing process.  These multilayered 2K frames are absolutely huge, and will be clear enough to show on an IMAX.  At this point we have over 30 Terabytes of frame storage and it still will not be enough.  Also now that clips are locked, we can finish the foley and soundtrack work.

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Posted by: Pasha