Money Monday: 2012 A Silver Odyssey

June 11th, 2012

PorcFest time again this year. The Porcupine Freedom Festival is the annual summer festival of the Free State Project, which is a movement of liberty minded individuals moving to New Hampshire to consolidate their efforts toward establishing a voluntary society. Over 10,000 have pledged to move (myself included) and an estimated 1,000 have moved already.

In previous years PorcFest has received national media coverage for the thriving silver counter economy that occurs at the festival’s Agora Valley, which is a temporary open marketplace that goes on throughout the event. But this year monetary visionaries Drew Phillips and Ross “Donttreadonmeme” Edwards are launching the silver economy into the future with the debut of the world’s first silver dime card vending machine dubbed “The Moneylith.”

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Music Video for “Revolution 909″ – Rebel Inc.

June 11th, 2012

Hey all this is the premiere of the music video,Revolution 909, from the Silver Circle soundtrack. Share it, rock out to it, and check out the movie this Fall! We are so lucky to be working with these amazing artists. A special thanks to James Schlessinger for producing the video. Now let’s start a revolution…

Revolution 909 – Rebel Inc.

Posted by: megan

Pop Friday: Atlas Shrugged Part 2 Release Date Just Before General Election

June 8th, 2012

Despite the poor reviews of Part I, Either-Or-Productions announced in January that they would push forward with the full trilogy of their film adaptation of Ayn Rand’s 1957 capitalist saga, Atlas Shrugged. Part of their decision may have been that the reviews didn’t square with objective reality. The first film actually did way above industry expectations on its opening weekend earning $1.7 million in about 300 theaters. The reason is probably the ideological skirmish surrounding Ayn Rand’s original 1,100 page book.  Lovers of Rand turned out in droves to see the film, while those writing movie reviews likely have a progressive bias and wouldn’t have given it a fair assessment no matter what. Indeed scoffing at the political prejudices of Hollywood paves a difficult road for any independent filmmaker.

We’ll have to watch for this when the Silver Circle movie is released in August.

So of course, a politically charged film needs a politically charged release date. Part I was originally planned for release on Ayn Rand’s Birthday, January 2nd, but was moved to Tax Day, April 15th, high taxation being one of the major themes in the film. Now the producers have announced the release date for Atlas Shrugged: Part II.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Rebel of the Week: Nicholas Barry, Inventor of Davis Dollars, a Local Currency for Davis California

June 6th, 2012

Our upcoming animated film, Silver Circle, is about economic and political rebels that create their own commodity-based currency in defiance of the central banking system by minting silver coins and using them as money instead of reserve notes that the central bank can endlessly print. That’s why we were excited to hear about a city in California where residents are adopting their own local currency, just like the rebels in the film.

In Davis, California, a city of 65,000 people, locals are taking to “Davis Dollars” as a way to keep their money local:

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Posted by: Wes

Criticologos en Directo Hosts Pasha Roberts on their show!

June 6th, 2012

Just because we returned from Puerto Rico, doesn’t mean we didn’t leave a little part of us there. So much, that some podcasts hosts asked us to come onto the show the following week! The hosts of Criticologos en Directo cover all things pop culture…from movies to the latest in local comic book news. We met one of their hosts Rafy at the Comic Con in San Juan. You can see our

After hitting it off at the Con, we were quickly asked to return to San Juan and screen the movie. Since we couldn’t make any promises yet, we agreed to join them on their live podcast the following week. Check it out! (by the way we were their first-ever, English speaking guests!)

Interview with Criticologos de Directo

I hope we can return there sometime soon!

Posted by: megan

PMH #17 – Animation, Puerto Rico, Comic, PorcFest, Amerika

June 5th, 2012

The End is Near

No, I’m not talking about hyperinflation, but maybe that too.  I mean that we are allllmoossst done with Silver Circle.  The list of animation tasks is growing shorter, and our board of completed sequences is almost full.  We just submitted a screener to the Toronto Film Festival, and it’s actually a viewable movie now.

We’re still pushing towards our August-September release, barring anything strange. We’ve got a room of animators chattering away next to my office and it’s all coming together.  We’re still speedy by Hollywood standards, but by my standards I bet we can do it even faster next time.

Puerto Rico Rocks

We just got back from a really awesome show at Puerto Rico Comic Con.  It was kind of an experiment – we had little idea what the comic or political culture was going to be like on the island.  Wow.  That con had far more energy than many of the larger conferences we’ve gone to – there is no comparison between the mojo at Puerto Rico versus, say, Wondercon in San Francisco.
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Posted by: Pasha

Nominees for the Zoe Taylor Award

June 5th, 2012

This year will be the first-ever award to a female activist at the Porcupine Freedom Festival. The Zoe Taylor Award is being given to an outstanding female activist who has shown courage, principle, and virtue through her activism. We were overwhelmed with the response after asking for nominations. No matter what the reputation, there is an abundance of impressive female activists in this liberty movement and the numbers are only growing.

If you’re new to learning about Silver Circle, Zoe Taylor is our lead heroine in our thriller-romance, who spearheads a movement to take down the Federal Reserve Bank after it has committed a string of violent attacks and poisoned the economy with inflation. She’s cunning, and quite frankly, badass. We are happy to present a symbolic role model in our film; we need more!

Below is the list of nominees for this year’s Zoe Taylor Award. All of which are amazing activists in their own way, and on June 21st at 8pm we will be awarding one of them with the award. and join us as we congratulate these ladies of liberty!

  • Angela Keaton
  • Stephanie Murphy
  • Eileen Landies
  • Catherine Bleish
  • Carla Howell
  • Carla Gericke
  • Valerie Sargent Martin
  • Teresa Warmke
  • Michelle McIntyre
  • Bette Rose Ryan
  • Kat Kanning
  • Kate Muller
  • Kelly Voluntaryist
  • Meg McLain
  • Kate Ager
  • Carla Mora


Posted by: megan

Tinfoil Tuesday: A Tinfoil Twofer from Conspiracy Con

June 5th, 2012

Buckle up because we’ve got a tinfoil twofer this week. Over the weekend I attended the 12th annual Conspiracy Con in Santa Clara, CA and had the opportunity to hear some of the strangest speakers. I gave you a teaser on Saturday with a  post about Jim Fetzer’s theory about 9/11. Today we’re going to talk about Jim Traficant’s adventures in government corruption and Kerry Cassidy’s… theory… yeah, we’ll call it a theory… that humanity is an experimental hybrid of a whole pantheon of alien races who are still meddling in human destiny. I’m going to try to be respectful, because God knows things I say seem crazy to plenty of people. But first some general observations about the Con.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Money Monday: The BitCoin Stock Market

June 4th, 2012

You may have noticed that your usual Fed News Friday feature has transformed into our new Money Monday feature. Effective immediately Money Monday will be our weekly financial feature. You can still count on us to cover any big Federal Reserve news the floats along, but from now on we’re going to broaden the topic to include alternative currency. So, it’s only fitting that for our first Money Monday we go to the complete opposite side of the monetary spectrum… BitCoin. The FRN comes from a central bank. BitCoin is radically decentralized. The FRN derives its value from violently enforced legal tender laws. BitCoin is traded in a voluntary, sometimes illegal, counter economy. The FRN is used to track you, tax you and entrap you. The BitCoin is untrackable, untaxable and potentially anonymous. And while BitCoin has already revolutionized the way many people conduct commerce on the internet, now it appears it’s on its way to revolutionizing the way people trade stocks.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

9/11 Truth at Conspiracy Con

June 2nd, 2012

Today is the first day of the 12th annual Conspiracy Convention taking place at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. Truth-seekers and freedom-fighters abound to hear what’s been plugged as the “most controversial speakers in the world.” You can get all the details at

Based on a cursory stroll through the dealers room it seems like some of the perspectives represented at this convention include that cancer was engineered to control society, that psychosis is the product of secret “mind invasive technology,” that Obamacare is a plot to reduce the population of Earth to 500,000 and that inter-dimensional extraterrestrials are preparing to launch an invading army of human-alien-robot hybrids to enslave the human race… no joke. And if you want you can even get your Tarot cards read and your aura photographed. Maybe after lunch.

Your typical free patriot crowd is also well represented. The place is awash in tell-all documentaries on the Federal Reserve, the truth about the Income Tax and various other state tyrannies of varied levels of credibility. But I thought I’d start with my thoughts on the presentation of the first speaker in the morning session.

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Posted by: Davi Barker