Fed Friday: Ben Bernanke targeted by an ID theft ring

February 10th, 2012

It is with no small amount of schadenfreude that I report that our esteemed and despised Central Banker, Ben Bernanke has apparently become entangled in an elaborate identity-theft scheme after his wife’s purse was stolen containing a checkbook from their joint account. The story was broken by Newsweek on Wednesday and they’re claiming that the Bernankes were not specifically targeted. (It’s only a coincidence. It’s only a coincidence. It’s only a coincidence!) But I’m not so sure.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Rebel of the Week: Darryl Perry for his Rebel Ink

February 8th, 2012

Let the rebellion begin! They say the best art imitates life, but it’s way cooler when life imitates art. This week liberty activist, author and Silver Circle fan got the Rebel symbol tattooed on his forearm making him part a select circle of elite fans of Silver Circle, and our Rebel of the Week.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Tinfoil Tuesday: Arsenic-Armed, Insect-Sized Predator Drones

February 7th, 2012

When I was in high school 1984 was required reading. These days I doubt they want kids that well informed. I read it twice. The first time I read it as it was intended. Winston Smith is cast as a tragic hero crushed beneath the boot a tyrannical system. The second time I force myself to perceive Big Brother as beneficent and wise beyond my comprehension. Winston Smith was a dangerous dissident, a thought criminal, threatening the peace and tranquility of all. Whatever evils befell him were simply necessary for the greater good. This exercise taught me more then I ever wanted to know about authoritarian thought, because shockingly the book will support either paradigm. So when Congress calls for accelerated use of unmanned aerial drones in U.S. airspace I am not surprised. I simply presume they read the story the other way, and I feel uniquely qualified to predict where this is going.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Movie Monday: Atlas Shrugged Part II Filming in April

February 6th, 2012

Atlas Shrugged film fans, fear not! Despite all the frigid treatment that the independent film offering of Ayn Rand’s literary masterpiece received from critics (with the New York Times declining to even review it), the films producers will not be “going Galt” and leaving us an unfinished symphony.

They have raised all the necessary funding to finance the sequel, Atlas Shrugged Part II, and production will begin in April:

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Posted by: Wes

Is MegaUpload Tycoon Kim Dotcom part of the 1%?

February 5th, 2012

The 1% rhetorical device that the Occupy Movement uses is pretty intellectually dishonest if you think about it. It gives the mob screaming “We are the 99%” the false impression that they somehow actually represent the opinions and political position of the vast majority of American society, which from a democratic mindset is actually pretty dangerous. It might give individuals the sense of moral authority to say… break windows, or vandalize private property. It also gives people the false impression those in the top 1% of income earners are somehow unified, or similar in some way, when in reality they may be quite diverse.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Fed News Friday: Father Son Duo, Ron and Rand Paul Take on the Fed in the House and Senate with twin Federal Reserve Transparency Acts of 2011

February 3rd, 2012

Photo: Gage Skidmore

Thanks to the one-time only, and limited Dodd-Frank audit of the Federal Reserve, we already know that some pretty glaring conflicts of interest exist at the Fed and that it loaned $16 trillion at low no interest to big banks at the height of the financial crisis, a lot more than the comparatively paltry $700 billion bailout publicly authorized by Congress. But U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, and now his son, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-TX and R-KY, respectively) are at it again, working hard to make sure the American people get to know the Fed’s deeper and darker secrets, the ones that didn’t even make it into the limited Dodd-Frank audit, the ones that I can only imagine must be worse than the $16 trillion robbery that you and I will be paying for until our dying day with dollars that are going to lose their value and purchasing power at an accelerating rate because of all this.

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Posted by: Wes

Why the Fed hurts the elderly most of all

February 3rd, 2012

Anti Fed activists often call inflation a tax, and rightly so. When the Federal Reserve creates new money it dilutes the buying power of the money already in circulation. The value of the new money is “taxed” from the value of the money in your pocket. Congress gets to fund their projects, and you pay for it through the steady increase in prices. It’s invisible, but the effect is the same. But I’ve been thinking this slogan is insufficient. There are still plenty of Americans who want taxes. They want to fund the projects of Congress, as long as it’s the projects they want. But there are still plenty of reasons for these people to be against the Fed.
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Posted by: Davi Barker

The 21st Century Galt’s Gulch: Interview with Jeff Berwick of Dollar Vigilante

February 3rd, 2012

Don’t you wake up sometimes in the morning, check SilverUnderground.com’s latest post, and say to yourself: “Man, I wish I could just move away from all this corruption and live in a liberty-minded utopia.” According to Jeff Berwick, that kind of dream isn’t an unrealistic one. I met up with Berwick at the Vancouver Investment Conference, a conference focusing on precious metals and mining, and we had a chance to talk about Doug Casey and his new project. A real life Galt’s Gulch:

Posted by: megan

***Blooper of the Week!***

February 2nd, 2012

This gives a whole other meaning to being beside yourself!

Posted by: megan

How Comics Shaped Me

February 2nd, 2012
For those of us who grew up on comic books who your favorite character was as a child may say a lot about you. Do you prefer a loner or a team player? A pillar of virtue or a tragic anti-hero? Do you like a psychological thriller, or a good old fashioned beat down? Do you prefer magic or science? Even loyalties to DC or Marvel can become as polarizing as Republican or Democrat, and as in real life, the independents are the most interesting. Comic books can teach us a lot about heroism, and creed… but recently I’ve been thinking they taught me a lot about economics too.

Posted by: Davi Barker