Hair Dynamics Testing

November 19th, 2009

Firstly, thank you, everyone, for the excellent feedback on the character names! Getting your valued opinions throughout production is hugely important to us. You’ve given us A LOT to think about. I’ll let you know what comes out of the next round of discussions. So, keep the feedback (about anything you see) coming!

Secondly, here’s another little video for ya. This short little piece gives a peek at our hair dynamics tests; our artists are testing the animation methods by which a character’s hair reacts to wind and other stuff. It can be done a few different ways…some more subtle than others. Hope ya like!

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!