The Only Place Where R2D2 Roams with Indiana Jones: Boston ComiCon

April 12th, 2010
The much anticipated event finally arrived to Boston on Saturday. Wonder Women, Batmans, Storm Troopers, and a group of Ghost Busters all lined up to check out the local vendors, famous artists, and film projects in the comic and animation community. We weren’t exactly sure what we were getting ourselves into. We soon found that many people were in the same boat.
Words can not describe some of the things we witnessed:
When we arrived to set up a line was already forming out to the road! The conference did not start until 10 a.m. and people were lined up at 8:30 a.m. Needless to say, there were dedicated fans and collectors ready to take advantage of the promotions and meet and greets with top artists like: Jim Lee, Eric Powell, and Ben Templesmith (personal favorite).
Being a ComiCon virgin, most of the crew just observed and tried to figure out the crowd. As most of you know you can normally find us at a Free State Project event or some libertarian conference put together by C4L or Reason.
This was different and if anyone has any insight on this community let us know. However, one thing we did notice was there’s a pretty strong overlap of libertarian/anarchists values in the comic community. It’s not activist driven but more so a disgust with authority. Many that we talked to did not pronounce themselves one ideology or another…just talked negatively about social constructs and rules. To the libertarians reading…perhaps there’s an audience for our message in this community? For the comic community reading, do you think I am accurate in this observation?
So aside from the philosophical gray area…tons of attendees expressed interest in our production style and loved that we were releasing a graphic novel with the movie. Much like V for Vendetta. Meeting local bloggers like Jonathan Pilley, League of Ordinary Gentlemen, and Sci-Fi Saturday Night was so much fun and we are eager to get together with them.

To remind you all, we plan to keep you updated with our production trail and make this project as interactive as possible. Stick with us and learn how we are producing a 3-D animated film in an indie studio outside of Boston. If you have any input or ideas feel free to send your writing this way. We would love to post your stuff!
So check out our pictures from and keep an eye out for some video footage from behind the scenes in D.C. Thanks for all the support everyone. We are heading to New Orleans this week to visit the conference as well as check out the areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina. We will have pictures and videos from the trip to share with you, so stay tuned!
To Peace and Rebellion…Salud,

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