Where Do You See Protests 10 Years From Now?

April 19th, 2010
In light of recent events, it seems as though protesting and thrusting hand mades signs in the air is the new wave of expressing ideas. After the first “Tea Party” last Spring it seems as though other issue based organizations and activists have found refuge in this style of protesting.

Although most protests from the early 20th century were regarding religion, our protests today show many similarities when it comes to execution. We stand collectively chanting, people write songs, art is created to express ideas (including signs), and it’s always the meek against the powerful. With technology changing on a daily basis, what can we expect with protests in the future. With things like Twitter and Facebook will we find ourselves picketing from our own couch at home? Could this be effective or credible enough to be used in Congress or our communities?
I guess the question I’d like to ask you is: Where do you see protests 10 years from now?
As most of you know our film involves a sizable tip in power self-distributed to the government. Would Rebels in the future picket with signs or would the online communities of tomorrow take on the task to tip the balance in the other direction?

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