Have YOUR “End the Fed” sign in Silver Circle!

May 11th, 2010

One of the coolest parts about this film is how you can get involved. This month you can submit your photos of protest signs or maybe now is the time to get that great idea of yours down on poster board. Any protest signs you would like to send in that are relevant to monetary policy and the Fed are welcome!

The students at Drexel University’s as well as Silver Circle will hold an online gallery of the photos where, after the submission period has ended, everyone can vote on their favorites.

After the photo/mail-in submissions have ended the voting will begin, and the TOP 5 signs will be animated and placed into scenes in the film. Our Rebels in the film need some clever sayings and strong messages so, get creative and get off your butt and send in your photos/signs!

Spread the word around your blog and social media sites. This online gallery could come into reality if we have a strong enough response. Also, you can spot your sign in the feature-length film Silver Circle!

Please email signs to:

To ensure use of your sign make sure to send it as a PDF or JPEG in the highest resolution possible.

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