Sci-Fi Saturday Night THIS SATURDAY!

June 11th, 2010

I know Saturday is the height of all things social for most. However, for those of us who choose to stay in and read the latest release from Marvel or catch up on our Austrian economics…perhaps you can lay aside a half hour to check out the podcast featuring Silver Circle’s animation crew. And for the rest of you, pre-game to the show…perhaps you can take a chug everytime we say the word “3D” or “bad ass”? (bad ass always seems to come up when we are in the room)

At 8:30 our animation director (Rae Albinson) and concept illustrator (Jackie Musto) will be live with the Sci-Fi Saturday Night crew.

Tune in LIVE
“>here! and gather friends. It will surely up your knowledge of animation and how we are progressing with Silver Circle.

See you there!

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