Inside a Certain Central Bank (reposted)

August 17th, 2010
NOTE: at the request of various economic powers, we have obscured this blog entry. Use your imagination.

Silver Circle Movie crew had the opportunity to get an insider look at a Certain Central Bank at one of their 12 regional offices in Boston yesterday. The funny thing is that we were just shooting some clips in front of this very building last week and were escorted away by security, but this time around we lost the cameras and put the suit jackets on…you know, to blend in.

Upon entering this the largest of private banks, a place where I spend my time on the outside waving my “End the X” sign, we went through the ol’ security routine and strolled through metal detectors. We were secretly hoping to see how high tech their security was and if they would question us due to last week’s appearance outside with our cameras.

We headed up to the lunch where we were hearing the President and CEO of this Unnamed Central Bank. Wish we could give his name, but the cat’s got our tongue.

The luncheon room was filled with the usual stuffiness of a crowded subway, with the same faces you see in the media when banking and investors are brought up. I can say however, for a corrupt institution the salmon dinner was delicious.

Our esteemed President put together a presentation filled with the stats from past recessions and juxtaposed them to the present day recession. The most noticeable difference anyone could interpret was the length of the current recession compared to 1981, 1990, and 2001. In 2008 some were predicting the recession would be above average in length and show a slow recovery process yet will most likely recover by mid-2009. Here we are in 2010 and despite some positive language things don’t seem to be looking up. Especially after the recent events in the market.

While we are informed ex post that his comments were off the record, it is possible that such things were discussed:

- “creating asset bubbles.”

-”excess reserves may be inflationary, but I am not as concerned
about them. I will be concerned if that is matched with full employment.”

-”deflation concerns me because how do you get
an economy moving if they could wait for something cheaper 6 months from now?”

Or, you can consult any Economics 101 textbook for the same comments – we are not saying he did or didn’t say anything.
After the presentation he left ample time for a Q&A session and the best and last question that was presented was about Rand Paul’s victory. The questioner wanted to know how the President felt about candidates that wanted to “terminate Central Banking” (like Rand). What followed was a classic moment of the presentation, again, which may or may not have been uttered:
-”if you are talking about ending” Central Banking “like
Ron Paul’s book, it’s not realistic and returning to the
gold standard is not possible. If you ask me my obvious answer is:
I don’t support it.”

Needless to say I was happy for the plug on , but I was wondering…has this man read it? Apparently not!

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!