How To Finance Your Film Project Using Crowdfunding

September 3rd, 2010

The Economist just published an article on the use of crowdfunding tools such as Kickstarter, which Silver Circle Movie successfully used to raise over $9500 from 93 backers.

But crowdfunding’s early success at raising sums large enough to be useful, though not large enough to replace other sources of funding for creative works, fits in with a broader trend of using technology to bring artists and their audiences closer together. As Mr Chen notes, artists can now ask their audiences directly for support, and will often get it. “People are thrilled to be involved in the creative process and see something come to life,” he says.

The thrill is vice-versa, as artists and producers of a film we are excited to get more fans engaged in our work and interested in what we are producing. Your support is energizing us!

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