Rebels of the Week: Co-Sponsors of New Hampshire’s “Grope Disincentivization Bill of 2011″

March 2nd, 2011

Normally we at Silver Underground don’t get too excited about politickin’ as most it is tends to be cause for frustration and grief.  A good majority of the state actions we recognize as important are deeply motivated by the state’s corrupting incentive structures as informed by public choice economics.

Once in a silver dollar though we see someone doing something that we can get behind in a big way, and right now its the House Republicans in New Hampshire.  In review in the NH House of Representatives is HB-628 FN, the “Grope Disincentivization Bill of 2011″ (citation needed). The liberty-loving representatives introduced the legislation to change New Hampshire law in order to “make it a sexual assault for an airport screener to touch or view a person’s breast or genitals without probable cause.”  TSA agents will literally be tried and convicted, and would have to register as New Hampshire sex offenders if the bill passes.

It is still too early to estimate the chances of the bill passing, as it only yesterday held its public hearing, but regardless crafting such a bill is a bold step for the states to take against the bulwark of national power.  For an elected representative it is doubly so as such a stand is guaranteed to be divisive amongst one’s constituency.  Hopefully this act of defiance is a glowing sign that America’s federalist past may be rising up against Washington’s unacceptable intrusions.

To the heroic sponsors, Representatives Lambert, Manuse, L. Jones, Rep. Itse, and Rep. Sapareto: thank you so much for your visible struggle for liberty.  We wish you nothing but success in your noble rebellion!

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