Movie Mondays: How Do You Plan on Watching Silver Circle?

May 23rd, 2011

Unless you plan on attending one of the film festivals we are submitting to or you live near one of the 15 theaters we are currently pricing out for our public premiere, it may be tough. Pretty typical in the indie-filmmaking scene…those fun little indie theaters aren’t everywhere; luckily streaming online is becoming easier and more cost efficient.

In a recent article, Netflix is uberly praised for their shift to online streaming, even though their movies by mail haven’t quite grown stale yet. Their profit shares have grown tremendously and they are beginning to swallow large cable companies in terms of growth. Although here at Lineplot we haven’t looked too close at Netflix in particular because of the not-so-hot cost benefit analysis, it’s still a great service that seems to have caught on with average film goers. There are other download and streaming options like Amazon, CinemaNow, plus many other monthly services and pay by the movie services.

The most aggravating thing to see these days is a movie store. I’m not sure if they are around for the vintage appeal or if the business owners are just CLUELESS to the world around them. Blockbuster and other mom and pop video stores have found out quickly that adjusting their business model to adapt to the evolving movie rental world is essential. Blockbuster quickly offered competition to Redbox by also creating big blue boxes with $1/night rentals.

With movie theaters, film festivals, online streaming and downloads, how do you plan on watching Silver Circle? And even more generally, where do you rent your movies from?

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!