Post – GOP Debate Coverage: Herman Cain? Really?

May 6th, 2011

Lord help us if Fox News still exists when the Rebels have to fight against the tyrannical Federal Reserve in 2019. The first Presidential Debate aired last night on the network to kick-off the 2012 election season. We are racing the clock here at the studio to make sure we have a hip-fun movie to premiere during the height of the election, and these historical moments give us more motivation than ever to hurry up and finish. The importance of the central banking system in America can not be overstated, and we plan on taking a unique approach on educating our audience…while having a great time of course!

My biggest beef with the debate last night, because let’s face it, it’s all trash talking from here on out…was Fox News’ sample of the audience following the debate. Not only did Fox News continually dis the “libertarian” candidates on stage with eye-rolls and lack of attention, they also held a nausea-producing after show where the weakest candidate, in my opinion, was named the best. (since my opinion matters and all HA!)

There were 29 people asked after the debate in a private room, being aired live to say who they thought won the debate and why. Herman Cain won the popular vote with this group. I’m not surprised that the “radicals” didn’t do as well in this group of people (being Southern, Christian, Conservative, Middle Class to Upper Middle Class, white, 25-60 years old) but I am surprised 27 out of the 29 said they now fully support Herman Cain, the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. There reasons were much like Herman Cain’s responses to the questions during the debate: empty rhetoric.

Some of the responses about why Herman Cain won the debate from this South Carolina group:

“He answered the questions most direct.”

“A breath of fresh air.”

“Common sense.”

I’m literally LOL’ing over here. If you watched the debate and listen to Herman Cain’s answers he NOT ONCE answered a question with a solution. He described America’s devastating situation and offered the same bulleted list of 3 items for most of his explanations.

I just have one question from this sample group: What are you smoking and can you pass it this way? I’m not going to go all conspiracy on you today and suggest the audience was selected because Fox news producers could sense their “sheep-ness”, however it is very frustrating hearing people make absolutely no sense and get away with it. Why if I was in that room…ugh never mind.

I’m not discounting Herman Cain, hell I’m not supporting any of these candidates (mostly because it’s in bad taste, we are a film and comic book not a political organization). I do however hope that by the time 2019 comes around the Rebels can handle the, by then, exponential ignorance that could very well exist in the general public. Especially if networks and candidates like this are influencing the population.

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!