Rebel of the Week: A Brave 6yo Protester in Azerbaijan
May 11th, 2011
A crowd of officers then surrounds a young woman who is holding hands with a little girl aged about six. The child shouts out “freedom” and punches one tiny fist into the air. She is grabbed by police, starts to cry, and is pushed with the woman into a police car.
*shiver* In a story that was mostly lost in the news late last month, a brave six year old girl did a remarkable thing in Azerbaijan, where the “Arab Spring” protests have spread due to massive popular discontent with a repressive and corrupt government.
The BBC reports:
It is a peaceful Sunday afternoon in Baku’s immaculately restored city centre. In a central square next to the ruling party’s headquarters, hundreds of people stroll around the 19th Century fountain or chat with friends.
But all these people have come here for a reason.
The young men in jeans, trying to look unobtrusive as they smoke cigarettes, are about to launch a protest against alleged government corruption.
Meanwhile, the crackle of walkie-talkies from business-suit pockets blows the cover of plain-clothed security officers ready to pounce.
Just before the demonstration is due to start, dozens of police officers in riot uniforms troop in from all sides and quickly form a cordon around the square.
Suddenly a man shouts something. Instantly, he is lifted off the ground by four policemen. They carry him to a waiting van and throw him in.
A crowd of officers then surrounds a young woman who is holding hands with a little girl aged about six.
The child shouts out “freedom” and punches one tiny fist into the air. She is grabbed by police, starts to cry, and is pushed with the woman into a police car.
Wild, huh?? I was incredibly moved to hear a six year old child could be both so intelligent, so courageous, and so inherently a rebel down to the very core of her tiny six year old bones, that while faced with armed and hostile police officers, she would raise her fist into the air and shout “Freedom!” This is truly a David and Goliath moment, and this girl’s story should never be forgotten.
Please share this story. I’m sharing it with you to encourage you, to inspire you, and to shame you. When will Americans finally take to the streets peacefully in the numbers and with the resolve that we are seeing happen in North Africa and Central Asia? When will we finally take responsibility for our own freedom and future, and refuse to let the banking cartel steal our lives away piece by piece, dollar by printed dollar?
If a six year old girl has the resolve, where is ours?
Wes Messamore, 24, is a libertarian independent journalist and activist. He writes at and wears a 1oz. bar of silver around his neck like a dog tag to start conversations about liberty and sound money.