5 Places You Should Avoid During the Dollar Crisis
June 28th, 2011The Dont-Tread-On.Me blog covered a scary but true topic on the coming dollar crash, suggesting its arrival within the next year. Actions leading up to a dollar crisis are predicted to begin with another debt finance package (QE3 or something similar) to enable the Federal Reserve to turn the printing press back on. As the QE2 “funds” come to a close this month, I feel the Fed will be forced into making a decision since the economy is showing little to no signs of improvement. I also believe they’ll have to run a whole new PR campaign on the measure because people saw QE and QE2 fall flat on their face. Who in their right mind would support a 3rd round?
One things for sure, when the dollar collapses, there are a few places you’ll want to avoid more than others, per the suggestion of Silver Shield at the Don’t Tread On Me blog. As we all know the dollar is the world’s reserve currency and if or when it fails (according to Silver Circle I’m assuming the latter option) there will be some places around the world and this country that may be more dangerous than others. The danger could stem from riots due to lack of food, oil, water, etc. Other dangers could be from the government itself, in an attempt to control the outrage within the populations. I’m not trying to fear monger by any means, but citizens who are not anticipating the chain of events ahead of us will be greeted with a large slap to the face.
Silver Shield mentions 5 places, however, I’m sure other places in this country and world will have a moment of calamity:
- Israel – They don’t have too many friends in their geographical location so importing resources could be an issue during a currency crisis.
- Southern California – You remember the Rodney King riots, right?
- England – Where Big Brother rules, this island may have a difficult time funneling in resources.
- New York City – With a city of this size goods can be scare, even during the current recession. Lord only knows what it’d be like during a full on monetary collapse.
Washington, DC – Where the law makers hide out with their cushy salaries many people will be pointing the finger at them; I could see DC as being a place to harbor and activate negative sentiment towards the government while also allowing the government to react to citizens’ protests. Recipe for ugliness, just ask our Rebels
I’m sure there are other places around the world that will be widely effected, and that is the real point to make here. A dollar collapse isn’t a loss for the United States, it is a loss for the world…especially countries who also base their economies on fiat currency and central banks. Sustaining a debt based economic system will eventually result in the failure of that currency. 19th century free market economist, Charles Holt Carroll, said it best:
Our Rebels are telling the story from 2019, but do you think the system can sustain even that long?