Movie Monday: Atlas Shrugged 2 Website Launched

June 27th, 2011

For those of you that saw and enjoyed the first installment of Atlas Shrugged, you’re in luck. Film director John Aglialoro announced the creation of the promotional website for Atlas Shrugged Part II, and will be releasing the film in the fall of 2012.

According to Mr. Aglialoro, his inspiration to create the second, and later the third part of his film adaptation of Ayn Rand’s famed book, was the negative feedback he received from Hollywood film critics like Roger Ebert and Peter Travers, which gave the film either one or no stars. However, film rating website Rotten Tomatoes, which responds to viewer criticism and feedback, gave the movie an 85 out of 100, a sharp contrast from the film critics negative response. Mr. Aglialoro blamed the negative reviews on the “political bias” of the film critics, and a “fear of Ayn Rand” that motivated them to discourage viewers from seeing the movie.

While it may be a stretch to say film critics will ever embrace Atlas Shrugged, Mr. Aglialoro has found the fan base that is responsive to movies like Atlas Shrugged, especially since the political mood of the country is becoming more geared towards the free market principles championed by Atlas Shrugged and its lead character John Galt. As we get closer to Election Day 2012, this film series will hopefully gain in significance, and be a force for change within government and within the community, just like the book it is based off of.

About the Author: admin