What Would Zoe Do? Go to Porcfest? Rebel “Fashion?”

June 2nd, 2011

My name is Zoe, and I’m what you might call a rebel — against the state, that is! I hope that you have checked out the  to my upcoming movie Silver Circle, in which I am in the starring role! I am here to offer my advice and to answer your questions related to freedom fighting on a weekly basis. Please submit your questions to !


I am considering going to PorcFest coming up later in June, but I’m not quite sure about it.  I’m kind of a newbie when it comes to this kind of stuff and I bit nervous.  I wish you could be there to help me out!

Practically Porcin’

If I were you, I would be anything but nervous when attending PorcFest!  (For readers who have no clue what we’re talking about, PorcFest is an annual freedom festival that takes place at Rodger’s Campground in Lancaster, New Hampshire.  This year, it is from June 20th-26th — a week long camp out!)

Anyway, just take a look at the schedule of events taking place this year.  The calendar is chock full of speakers that will help you learn about a variety of topics, from economics to dancing lessons.  There will be opportunities all around you to learn and engage hands-on in interested subjects and vendors will be available also for more information.

And it might be your lucky day!  The Silver Circle crew is hosting in the TV Room in Rodger’s Campground on Thursday, June 23rd from 4:30PM-7:00PM.  There will be tons to do, including a full clip from the film, a Q&A with the director and one-on-one time, 2 raffles for both silver and a t-shirt, and refreshments!  And who knows?  Perhaps I will make my debut . . .  Just make sure to


Ever since I began hearing about Silver Circle, I’ve been working on my “rebel image.”  I’m not sure if digging out clothing from my closet from the 90s is cutting it, so what would you recommend?

Rebel Without a “Clothes”

Dear Rebel,
Actually, digging in your closet may be a good thing!  The “rebel-look” is that of being thrifty, comfortable, versatile, customized, and kick ass all at once!  This can definitely be achieved by digging up some old clothes, and, if necessary, making alternations to them.  I really enjoy the “army/navy” look and all these clothes can be purchased at second hand prices and they are some of the most rugged items you can get.  They always have tons of pockets and some even hidden (for me, I use those for silver).  Shoes are very important and I choose a mix between style and versatility with combat boots — hey, I think they’re cute!  My hair shows off my spunky personality with a hint of attitude along with my lip piercing — tattoos are an added bonus!

Here are some great images that Megan posted on the Silver Circle blog that asks readers to dress like a rebel at PorcFest (speaking of):

Best of luck, be unique, be you!  Hope to see you at Porcfest, I should be able to point you out, you rebel, you!


Thank you for your questions this week! Remember to  with some more for next time!

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