Now You Too Can Gerrymander Your State!

July 22nd, 2011

Your mission: Keep these districts Republican, but make them "equal". Can you do it?

Lost in the never-ending argument over the debt ceiling is a more long-term debate that our politicians and states are focused on: redistricting. Done once every ten years, it’s when state legislatures redraw district maps to “better reflect” the demographic changes of the states. In reality, it’s purpose is to protect incumbents from the dangers of being thrown out, or to tip the scales in favor of one political party.

To experience the thrill of drawing districts for your state, there is a new game called The Redistricting Game. The purpose of the game is to educate people about the behind-the-scenes dealmaking that goes into redrawing legislative districts. It takes you through a series of missions, introducing different rules and regulations that actual redistricting commissions consider, such as the Voting Rights Act, minority communities within each district, and how to keep partisan districts partisan.

Your mission: Redistrict the State of Jefferson along lines you feel are satisfactory. Get the map passed the state legislature, the governor, and court challenges, and you win! Good luck!

About the Author: admin