An “Army Wife” Delivers a Strange Speech…

September 23rd, 2011

As I read this story, and watched the video to go along with it, I tried to put my finger on where she was going with the words she was sharing. Kim Delaney of the show Army Wives was escorted off stage at a Liberty Medals event held by the National Constitution Center. Ironically enough the event was draped in a huge backdrop of the Constitution while Robert Gates was the guest of honor.

Delaney was eventually taken off stage after delivering this much of her speech:

It seems as though she was telling us the worst part about being the wife of someone serving in the army. According to this article, it made the crowd feel uncomfortable, so she was ushered off stage before she could finish. Whether she’s a drunk or not, the woman had a point. Let’s not sit here and celebrate warfare when it’s killing family members and traumatizing veterans.

I’m sure Robert Gates wasn’t a fan of her incoherent speech, however isn’t it moments like these that help us discover the humanity in an issue? With the future approaching quickly, our foreign policy will need a makeover.

I don’t know, maybe that’s just what I interpreted here.

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