Liberty Fest 2011 — over 700 people in attendance!

September 12th, 2011

This year’s first Liberty Fest at Club Amnesia in New York City blew the roof off! (ooo wait that might not be appropriate). The weekend of the 10th anniversary of 9/11 began with a liberty-filled event that not only confronted the history leading up to the attacks of 9/11, but also the simplistic foreign policy solutions that politicians like Ron Paul have set forth.

The club served as an ideal venue allowing people to cocktail, socialize, and also experience words of wisdom from some of the leading voices in the liberty movement: Tom Woods, Mike Church, Adam Kokesh, Scott Horton, plus many more!


About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!