We Couldn’t Give the Shirts All Away!

November 2nd, 2011



Pasha and I snuck away to Occupy on this beautiful day (yes – yes we know we’ve got footage to animate!) to capture the patches of color in tent-city and test the Fed-resistant temperature.

The tents densely filled Dewey Square, right in front of the Federal Reserve, despite the cold and early winter storm that passed through Halloween weekend. The crowd was thinner than usual, I’m guessing because of the Debt-Forgiveness March and Support Oakland event, as well as the workforce that makes up part of the Occupy Boston movement. No, not everyone has lost their job or is unemployed that is occupying.

Our mission today was to give End the Fed shirts to the Occupy Boston movement to support their support for ending financial corruption. I asked a gentleman today whether or not there’s a balance between BoA haters and Fed haters and he confidently said that the End the Fed spirit is “alive and well” in Boston’s Occupy bunch. We decided to test it out ourselves by packing t-shirts to pass out to the protestors. Truth be told, we couldn’t give them all away. What’s up with that?

Our initial interactions gave us hope as we weaved through the tent sites and food stands talking to people about Silver Circle and asking if they wanted free protest gear to support ending the Federal Reserve. There were compliments on the shirt and one gentleman even dressed his dog up in the garb…a sure fire way to win over Pasha and I. As we moved closer to the areas of debates, where individuals gathered in circles to get their opinion heard or just to observe, we became less interesting to the crowd.

As we began looking around for the next person to give a free shirt to, we heard chants in the distance. We walked towards the sound expecting a show, and boy did we get one. An eight foot banner The chants rang into the fall air “End the wars, tax the rich!” Pasha and I didn’t waste a millisecond. Before we knew it, a full on debate was happening between some participants in the march and ourselves. Cyclical yet civil, both parties found little common ground on what seems like an easy win: the Federal Reserve is corrupt and shouldn’t be permitted to do what it does. It remained that our philosophies on property rights and money differed tremendously, and no they did NOT take the free shirts we offered.

Don’t forget to visit our official website for Silver Circle: http://SilverCircleMovie.com

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!