Movie Monday: V Masks Become a Popular Trend at Occupy

November 7th, 2011

In light of Saturday’s “holiday” I was quickly reminded that I’ve seen the “V” masks more than ever this year. No longer is it just at liberty-oriented events; these masks are sprinkled within the boisterous Occupy crowds across the country.

The “V” Mask is a revolutionary symbol of fighting the man, brought about by pop culture. Hollywood (2006) and the comics world (1989) embraced the story of Guy Fawkes, who spear-headed the failed Gun-Powder Plot of 1605 – an attempt to burn down parliament. Fawkes was caught, captured, tortured, and executed.

In today’s language if you are fighting against the powers that be…you are most likely labeled a terrorist. Things were the same in the 1600′s.  I’m not condoning the violent acts of Guy Fawkes, however he was fighting in a similar way Occupiers and other revolutionaries are fighting today – against corrupt power, against the 1%.

Occupiers nationwide wear the mask proudly as a sign of power, power in numbers. If you have seen the film or read the comic book, the ending scene where citizens force guards of parliament to stand down by marching peacefully together, is a powerful visual that I believe the Occupy movement would like to replicate, aside from the violent, destructive occupiers that have hit the scene recently – mostly in Oakland, CA. The Occupiers find strength in their collective effort to shut down “corporate greed” across the country and world, and this mask, this revolutionary costume, feeds that spirit.

There are some differences between the Guy Fawkes style and the Occupiers. Fawkes was fighting corrupt government power and wished to have citizenry live and let live. Occupiers are fighting corporate corruption – a product of government – in hopes that a collective community can then take over these corporate entities. You may disagree on my analysis, but from my personal experience and what I have read, this is a conclusion I feel confident in coming to.

I say keep rocking the “V” masks Occupy! No symbolism is greater than the power in numbers. Corrupt powers are outnumbered, always have been…but it is not until we visually manifest our majority, will we become confident.

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About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!