10 New Year’s Revolutions

December 30th, 2011

For many people the advent of a new year is a time to look back upon the successes and failures of the previous year and find new resolve in achieving personal goals and reforming bad habits. I like to take a slightly skewed bent on this time honored tradition. I like to look back on everything I found most revolting in the last year and brainstorm little everyday revolutionary acts that can help me keep my sanity in the year to come. Here are 10 New Year’s Revolutions for your everyday,  anti-Fed activist. Some of these I’ve done myself, and others I have set as goals, but they are all within reach for most people. I invite you to share your suggestions in the comments.

1) Make the intention:
The easiest and most important revolution doesn’t happen in the street. It’s something do right where you’re sitting now. In your heart accept that gold and silver are real money, and that fiat money is a usurious fraud. Voluntary exchange is the natural order, and coercive central planning always ends in murderous failure. When I watch the price of silver rise and fall I don’t see the fluctuating market for a commodity. I see the rise and fall of the dollar hegemony.

2) Brush up on the basics:
If you’re like me you bought ““ in a fit of excitement and it’s been sitting on your shelf ever since. I mean, it’s like 800 pages! But today the Internet is flush with the Truth. The based on the book is excellent. Ron Paul’s book “” is of an easily digestible length. Thanks to services like Audible you don’t even have to read anymore. We need to become an educational army, and knowledge is how we arm ourselves.

3) Get the T shirt:
Become a walking billboard for the cause. Silver Circle sells a variety of “End the Fed” products in our online store, and I’m sure you can find all kinds of anti-Fed gear on CafePress. But if your going to sport the paraphernalia that makes you a spokesperson, work on your elevator speech. Be prepared to explain your convictions to anyone who asks in about 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

4) Organize a teach-in:
If they won’t come to you, go to them. Thanks to the Occupy Movement there are hundreds, maybe thousands of people at your local Occupation eager to learn how they’ve been screwed over by the banking system. It’s an amazing opportunity for outreach. Who understands why the economy is in shambles better than the anti-Fed crowd? So, go tell them. Your larger Occupations will even have resources on site to schedule a workshop. All you have to do is ask.

5) Figure out Bitcoin:
Bitcoin is an anonymous digital currency with no central bank or middle man. Frankly, I don’t understand it, but it has driven a wedge into the anti-Fed crowd. For the gold-bugs precious metals always were money, and always will be money. For them the Bitcoin is just another fiat currency. But for the pirates the Internet is home. If you can sell World of Warcraft equipment on eBay a digital currency makes perfect sense. Until recently I was a gold-bug, but I’m feeling more like a pirate everyday. Whichever camp you’re in, it’s in your interest to figure out Bitcoin in the coming year because digital currency is going to be an important piece of the puzzle from here on out.

6) Start an Agorist business:
Agorism is a species of market activism where one does business in an untaxed, unregulated counter economy. Joining the counter economy is as easy as doing what you love. Find something you are good at and just do it. Online tools like eBay and Craigslist make it virtually free to start. Web-hosting services like Host Gator provide innovative site building tools that make launching an online store easy. Check out business directories like The Market for Liberty and online communities like to find other market activists interested in alternative currencies.

7) Convert your savings to precious metals:
If your savings are sitting in a bank account earning 2% you’re being stolen from. Silver Circle sells Rebel Rounds from Del Valley Silver. For bullion coins Midas Resources has long been a liberty friendly precious metals dealer. I advise you not to store precious metals in a safety deposit box because that was the first place the government went when they seized precious metals in the 1930s. An excellent resource for finding alternatives is the e-book “” by Tarrin Lupo.

8) Close your bank accounts:
The Occupy Movement has been a mixed bag, but one thing I think they got right was National Bank Transfer Day. This year, on Guy Fawkes Day (November 5th), hundreds of thousands of people transferred their money from big banks to credit unions. Credit unions are essentially cooperative organizations owned by their depositors instead of stockholders. they offer the same financial products as banks, but usually with lower fees and interest rates. Best of all profits aren’t going to stockholders but can go into bonus programs extended to members.

9) Get out of debt:
I know it’s hard, but the good news is while you’re hurting the Fed you really are doing the best thing for yourself. Every dollar you take off the principal is debt you aren’t paying interest on from now on. I literally lived in a tool shed for a few months to get out of debt. In the long run you’ll thank yourself. And once you’re free, stop borrowing money. I know a lot of you just did your Christmas shopping with credit cards. The banking system loses a lot of control over our lives if we simply refuse to buy their product, which is loans.

10) Follow Silver Circle
My final suggestion is as easy as the first because we’re doing all the work for you. In 2012 Silver Circle will be releasing both the finished film and the fully-printed comic book. So checkout our Official Site, follow us on and join us on for regular updates so you can check us out at a theater near you.

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