Make Me A Rebel: Debra Caruthers

April 29th, 2012

Hello Silver Circle: here is my Rebel Story…

In 2010, my eyes were opened to what M.E.R.S. (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems) is, and is not, when Chase Bank sent me my first foreclosure notice. Through blogs posted by Ellen Brown, I discovered that every person whose mortgage was created in the last 10 years is being defrauded by an entity that has no corporeal existence. Our debts, our mortgages, and our money is all an illusion. I stopped paying that mortgage and got the foreclosure process tied up in court for two years. The money saved from the non-payments enabled my family to purchase a mobile home for cash just this past month. I also cut up all of my credit cards and began buying physical silver. Our family has rejected as much involvement with TBTF Banks as possible and we encourage every human being on this planet to do the same thing.

Last week, Chase Bank has made a last ditch attempt at bringing me back under their yoke by offering to let me keep that house. They have *graciously* offered to lend me $186,000 of my own taxpayer money for a house whose market value is only $100,000. I advised the Chase rep on the phone that he should look for another job. With this ridiculous offer, he has now proved to me that Chase Bank is technically insolvent, on paper, when it hands out money on those terms. Once the taxpayers pull the plug on the free Fed money, the Emperor Jamie Dimon will be left with no clothes.

– Debra Caruthers, Arizona

Welcome aboard Debra. Let the rebellion begin!

And don’t forget to visit our official website to learn more about the Silver Circle Movie:

About the Author: Davi Barker

In grade school Davi refused to recite the pledge of allegiance because he didn't understand what it meant. He was ordered to do as he was told. In college he spent hours scouring through the congressional record trying to understand this strange machine. That's where he discovered Dr. Ron Paul. In 2007 he joined the End The Fed movement and found a political home with the libertarians. The Declaration of Independence claims that the government derives its power “from the consent of the governed." He does not consent.