#TinfoilTuesday – The U.S. Government Goes Full Nazi
April 3rd, 2012In political discourse, especially heated partisan political discourse, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis are often used as a point of comparison for one’s enemies across the aisle, and while both “sides” in America do it, both sides also never fail to call the other one out for making an unfair, petty, hyperbolic attack for partisan reasons. The use of the Hitler or Nazi comparison is so common that in 1990, U.S. attorney and author Mike Godwin coined an adage that has become well known on Internet discussion forums as Godwin’s Law: “As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.”
But there’s a real difference between the partisan sniping that you’ve read before and what you’re about to read next. This is not an article about how Barack Obama is just like Hitler, and neither is it an article about how George W. Bush was just like Hitler. You won’t be reading about Democrats or Republicans ushering in a Fourth Reich with their agendas. This is instead about systemic, rampant, and rapidly growing dangers to Americans everywhere, dangers that transcend party and personality, dangers that are rooted in the very fabric of the composite whole of American civilization’s historic momentum at this time in history, dangers to be urgently addressed and remedied, to be ignored only at your peril…
For the most recent issue of Young American Revolution, I read and wrote a book review about Andy Andrews’ New York Times bestseller, How Do You Kill 11 Million People? As I wrote in my review, the book doesn’t concern itself with the logistics and mechanics of how the Nazis physically carried out their genocide. Neither does it examine the motives and psychology of maniacs like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and Adolph Eichmann. Instead, the far more revealing question for Andrews is how eleven million people allow themselves to be killed. If you don’t think it could happen here, read the following description from How Do You Kill 11 Million People? and see if it sounds like the country you live in today:
“The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, led by Adolf Hitler, rose to power during a time of economic uncertainty in a nation of people longing for better times. Germany was a modern, industrialized nation whose well-informed citizens enjoyed ready access to information by way of print and radio broadcast media…
It is a fact that fewer than 10 percent of Germany’s population of 79.7 million people actively worked or campaigned to bring about Hitler’s change. Even at the height of its power in 1945, the Nazi political party boasted only 8.5 million members.”
History teaches us clearly that even in a nation where the vast majority of the people are good, decent, tolerant, peace-loving, modern, well-informed citizens, the horrors of police state tyranny and concentration camps are well within the realm of possibility, and that under particular circumstances, they can erupt suddenly and unexpectedly in a very short period of time, so that it’s too late for the good, decent, tolerant, peace-loving majority to stop. Those particular circumstances are aligning in America today and the time is ripe for untold horror and suffering if the good majority continue to tolerate, rationalize, and even reward the constant lying, the growing abusiveness, the unabated secrecy, the entrenched corruption, and the explosion of lawless, unchecked executive power that have all increasingly characterized the hegemony of the elites in both parties that govern our nation.
The signs are clear enough. The establishment knows what’s going to happen next. Its leaders are aware that their hold on power is becoming ever more precarious as the world balances on the brink of unprecedented economic catastrophe of the kind that will likely see the entire U.S. Dollar-based monetary system collapse. Knowing that their time might be up, the establishment’s power players are watching anxiously as popular discontent sweeps through Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, paying special attention to those regimes that have been toppled and replaced by street protests-turned-revolutions. Even though many of America’s citizens are not yet truly aware of what’s going to inevitably happen to their economy and way of life, every indication is that their government is preparing for it.
All of the seemingly inexplicable and irrational news headlines and events of the last decade are all too easy to interpret as the hurried preparations of a ruling class in a panic. This is not the worst thing that could happen. It does mean that the establishment knows how tenuous its grip on power really is. It means that the establishment is just as afraid of you as you should be of it. And that means that the establishment might be more vulnerable and easily defeated than it seems to us from the outside. So what are the signs?
In summary: the deliberate, systematic, unrelenting, and still-accelerating implementation of the legal and physical infrastructure to declare martial law in America, summarily dismiss your Constitutionally-guaranteed rights, and put the people of this country at the mercy and arbitrary power of an unchecked, totalitarian executive– exactly what happened to the German people under the Nazis.
In specific:
- The Patriot Act and the regular renewal of its expiring provisions over the feigned disappointment of the Democrats in Congress. This law allows the executive to secretly spy on American citizens without a warrant as required in the Constitution.
- The NDAA and its provisions allowing the U.S. military, at the direction of the White House, to arrest U.S. citizens on U.S. soil if they are suspected of terrorism (meaning if they are simply accused of terrorism by the executive without any transparency or oversight and no opportunity to refute the charges against them) and to detain them indefinitely without charges or a civilian trial.
- The assassination of a U.S. citizen– Anwar al-Awlaki– and his sixteen-year-old son last Fall by drone strike at the order of the president without formal charges, trial, or substantive due process of any kind and the U.S. Attorney General’s speech earlier this year to create a legal framework for the new “targeted killings” practice, reserving the White House’s power to continue doing this.
- The executive order signed by President Obama this March allowing the government to declare martial law during peacetime and assume full control over the nation’s “natural resources” including food, water, and energy.
- The militarization of state and local police forces, who increasingly use military-grade weaponry– including military drones– and conduct urban warfare exercises in major U.S. cities with federal agencies and the Department of Defense, including training for over 20,000 U.S. military personnel for contingencies that may include riots and/or mass detentions.
- The FEMA orders with private contractors for tens of millions of packets of food, blankets, and body bags. The Department of Homeland Security’s order for 450 million hollow point bullets, over a hundred million more than you would need to kill every man, woman, and child in the United States.
- SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, PCIP, among other aggressive attempts by the federal government to regulate and control the Internet, which has played an instrumental role in helping “Arab Spring” revolutions against oppressive governments.
- A slippery and expanding definition of the word “terrorist” at a time when the government reserves the right to do whatever it wants to people who fall within this vague and amorphous category of human being.
The establishment is clearly preparing for the eventuality of economic and monetary collapse, followed by civil disorder, riots, and either revolution or the fragmentation of the country into smaller, secessionary principalities. This is the era of history you’re living in. None of the bullet points above are theory or speculation. They are verifiable, uncontroversial, and publicly-acknowledged facts as a matter of record. The U.S. government is well into the process of going “full Nazi” on us. A candid and earnest review of the facts cannot yield any other conclusion. The parallels are chilling. The dangers are clear. Historians will write about what you did today.
What will they write?
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