George Washington, Zombie Hunter and Other Epic Comics of US Presidents by Jason Heuser (SharpWriter)
July 5th, 2012So I’m trying to decide if the following, totally awesome comic illustrations of US presidents and other historical figures as superheros along the vein of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter are just one more tasteless artifact of this country’s slavish and decidedly un-American predilection for president worship, or if they are excellent parodies that lampoon the despicable practice, and by way of caricature, show how absurd it is. I’m guessing they’re a parody because of the same artist’s “Improved Presidential Seal.” Whatever their intended purpose, parody is what they end up accomplishing. These are definitely cool comics. They’re also very funny. They’re funny because they’re absurd. This is like the comic version of marionette puppets singing “Team America, F*** YEAH!”
Where did I find these? They’ve been all over the Internet today. I’ve seen people share these everywhere.
Now I’m sharing them with you…
Ronald Reagan Riding a Velociraptor
Ronald Reagan’s vision is based on movement. He can’t see you if you don’t move.
Abraham Lincoln Riding a Bear
Abe Lincoln bearing some good news and some bad news: We’re gonna set you free, everybody! And then we’re going to make you drink out of different water fountains until the 50s and incarcerate more of you than South Africa did during apartheid well into the 21st century. It’s progress!
George Washington, Zombie Hunter
When the Washington Administration levied an excise tax on brains at the urging of Alexander Hamilton, zombies considered it an unfair infringement that put them at an economic disadvantage to Northern merchants and Southern planters, precipitating the Brain Rebellion.
Paul Revere in Tron
This is pretty awesome actually. He should have done this with Ron Paul and entitled it Tron Paul!
Ben Franklin vs. Zeus, with a sort of Wolverine thing going on
“Was that lightning strike the best you could do, weather god? If I wanted a kiss, I’d have called one of my French mistresses! Or your mom.”
Andrew Jackson, Iron Man and Alien Slayer
When running the natives of one continent out of their homes and stealing their land wasn’t enough, Andrew Jackson set his sights on the stars…
Transformers FDR
FDR– transforming your country into a giant machine that destroys things.
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