Pop Friday: Silver Circle Hosts Iron Sky at Kendall Square Theater
August 31st, 2012We’ve been experiencing with Tugg.com lately in hopes to use this crowd sourcing, theater tool with our own release of Silver Circle. Turns out the famed films like Iron Sky and Atlas Shrugged are doing the same. All of us have strong niche audiences, social media presences, and a solid fan base. We don’t need Hollywood to be big; no sir-ey!

So we decided to promote a local event to screen Iron Sky here in Cambridge, down the road from the studio. If you’re interested in seeing a movie about space Nazi’s that are trying to take over planet earth in 2018, I HIGHLY recommend you see this. If you’re looking for an awesome indie film experience this is also something for you.
How Tugg works:
The theater has been notified and the screen is on hold until we hit the threshold of tickets needed to fully book the night of September 12th! That means we need 87 tickets bought to confirm this event. Turns out Iron Sky has almost 175K Facebook fans, so I don’t think this will be too difficult. If you’re in the Boston/MA/NH/RI area and want to check out the movie RSVP and buy your ticket here:
You’ll see us at the screening and might even get a chance to chat with one of our animators. Our Silver Circle trailer will be played on the big screen prior to the film, so be sure to get there early! Show starts at 7:30.
Share the link with friends. Oh and just to give you a hint…we’ll be doing a screening like this for Atlas Shrugged Part 1, so keep your ear to the ground!