#TinfoilTuesday – Establishment Prepares for Civil War in 2016
August 14th, 2012U.S. military officers are being told to plan to fight Americans…
This is getting scary. There’s nothing “tinfoil” about this post. This isn’t a theory. They’re not even trying to hide it from us anymore. Establishmentarians are openly telegraphing to the rest of us what they think about us– and they are saying that they fear and suspect Americans as national security threats to crush by force if we share “the goals of the ‘tea party’ movement” (you know, very radical ideas like term limits for politicians, requiring legislators to read bills before turning them into laws with actual consequences for people’s lives, not using taxpayer dollars to bailout failed companies, and balancing the budget– whoops, maybe they should prepare for acts of violent terrorism from Bill Clinton).
In the well-known and very mainstream Small Wars Journal, retired Army Col. Kevin Benson– of the Army’s University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas– and Jennifer Weber– a Civil War expert at the University of Kansas– recently published a paper entitled, “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A ‘Vision’ of the Future.” Anyone else think just that title alone is even creepier than Rupert Murdoch’s hands? Could they have tried any harder to make the title of their paper sound just like the scary, fascist, Orwellian, police state propaganda it is? They might as well have just named it: “We’re Planning On Killing Lots of You.”
What do you think all those millions of rounds of hollow point ammo the DHS ordered and all those millions of body bags that FEMA requested are for? Gun control advocates are always trying to limit the amount of ammo citizens can purchase and store, arguing there’s no need for that much ammo, that anyone stockpiling a ton of ammo must be up to no good. Well??? What about the DHS? Do they seriously anticipate the need for hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition in the near future? Can you tell me with a straight face that in the world today there any credible threats of full scale foreign invasion, rather than scattered acts of terrorism? What then could they possibly be getting ready for?
The Small Wars Journal answers:
‘In May 2016 an extremist militia motivated by the goals of the “tea party” movement takes over the government of Darlington, South Carolina, occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council, and placing the mayor under house arrest. Activists remove the chief of police and either disarm local police and county sheriff departments or discourage them from interfering. In truth, this is hardly necessary. Many law enforcement officials already are sympathetic to the tea party’s agenda, know many of the people involved, and have made clear they will not challenge the takeover. The militia members are organized and have a relatively well thought-out plan of action.
With Darlington under their control, militia members quickly move beyond the city limits to establish “check points” – in reality, something more like choke points — on major transportation lines. Traffic on I-95, the East Coast’s main north-south artery; I-20; and commercial and passenger rail lines are stopped and searched, allegedly for “illegal aliens.” Citizens who complain are immediately detained. Activists also collect “tolls” from drivers, ostensibly to maintain public schools and various city and county programs, but evidence suggests the money is actually going toward quickly increasing stores of heavy weapons and ammunition. They also take over the town web site and use social media sites to get their message out unrestricted.
When the leaders of the group hold a press conference to announce their goals, they invoke the Declaration of Independence and argue that the current form of the federal government is not deriving its “just powers from the consent of the governed” but is actually “destructive to these ends.” Therefore, they say, the people can alter or abolish the existing government and replace it with another that, in the words of the Declaration, “shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” While mainstream politicians and citizens react with alarm, the “tea party” insurrectionists in South Carolina enjoy a groundswell of support from other tea party groups, militias, racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan, anti-immigrant associations such as the Minutemen, and other right-wing groups. At the press conference the masked militia members’ uniforms sport a unit seal with a man wearing a tricorn hat and carrying a musket over the motto “Today’s Minutemen.” When a reporter asked the leaders who are the “red coats” the spokesman answered, “I don’t know who the redcoats are…it could be federal troops.” Experts warn that while these groups heretofore have been considered weak and marginal, the rapid coalescence among them poses a genuine national threat.’
The rest of the scenario unfolds in a lengthy narrative. A Washington Times piece has the too-long-didn’t-read-it version:
“It’s a cartoonish and needlessly provocative scenario.
The article is a choppy patchwork of doctrinal jargon and liberal nightmare. The authors make a quasi-legal case for military action and then apply the Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 to the situation. They write bloodlessly that “once it is put into play, Americans will expect the military to execute without pause and as professionally as if it were acting overseas.” They claim that “the Army cannot disappoint the American people, especially in such a moment,” not pausing to consider that using such efficient, deadly force against U.S. citizens would create a monumental political backlash and severely erode government legitimacy.”
It’s like… erotica for mass murderers. Seriously, this is the money quote. The assertion is that once the president lets the Army loose on American soil to kill American citizens, it must be just as ruthlessly savage as it has been overseas. Think about that. Think about Abu Ghraib. Think about the “Collateral Murder” airstrike. Recall how insistent establishmentarians have been that water boarding and other “enhanced interrogation” measures can legally be taken against foreign combatants. Consider the Obama Administration’s definition of “enemy combatant” as all military-aged males in a strike zone. Think about fire and death raining down on children from drones in the sky. This is how Washington has waged warfare against foreigners and too many conservatives have defended it or conveniently ignored it. The authors of this war porn piece are saying that this is how the US Army MUST wage war against those same conservatives when it turns its guns on Americans. Can’t “disappoint the American people” by pulling any punches.
Just who’s violent, bloodthirsty, and dangerous? Just who’s a hate group? Just who’s publicly fantasizing out loud about ruthlessly gunning down their political enemies? Just who’s looking to start a fight? And before you say that these are just two academics and I’m getting bent out of shape over nothing, remember that this is merely a dramatization based off of the US Army’s own Operating Concept 2016-2028, an operations manual for both foreign and domestic military stratagems in the years to come. The military is talking about how to kill you. The military is saying that you pose a threat that they are taking seriously and developing contingencies to counter. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy fact. They are openly and publicly conspiring to wage war against you.
The dystopian picture of America in 2019 painted by our upcoming film, Silver Circle, seems rosy and optimistic compared to the horrible “Vision of the Future” I’ve had to read and write about today. Your own government is getting ready for a civil war with you. More mainstream voices than these discussed are praising and encouraging their efforts. I was going to go into more depth and give more examples, but it’s getting late in the day and I’m tired and I’m sad.
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